Vengeful R18 Member seeking new outfit!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by sebastian oscar post, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. sebastian oscar post

    So it appears that the ******** in R18 will never apologize, time to start anew!
    i am Sebastian post, dedicated and maxed out Combat Medic, BR 50, from the New Conglomerate.
    Firstly i thirst for team work, not the friends come together type, but on big scale teamwork!
    the type of thing that would put you in the ANT sqwad and force you do do mining for the next 2 weeks if i so much as tauk when i'm not supposed to.
    secondly i'd like a outfit that actually APPRECIATES me!
    and thirdly one that does not recruit everything and everyone around them!
    that is all.
  2. Foxirus

    You will most likely not find that here. Sorry.
  3. CorporationUSA

  4. DooDooBreff

    stick with NC
  5. Eternaloptimist

    A Medic being appreciated? I'd like to see that. I get far more thanks as an Engineer than I do when I play Medic and Maxes actually come to me when they want to be repaired (well, a lot of the time anyway).
  6. Atis

    ! week of ANT mining for not posting in appropriate section.
    ! week of ANT mining for not mentioning server name even in this section.
    1 year of ANT mining for lying about dedicated medic, you medapplicator got lv6 only today, at BR 50. You play as medic 20% of all time. Your SPM is a bit too low for revive spammer.

    Shove him in the ant, boys, and wield the door.

    P.S. Dunno about your Briggs, but at 3 servers I play, never heard about that good outfit you are looking for.