[BUG] vehicles jumping o.O

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GSZenith, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. GSZenith

    had this happened twice so far since todays patch.
    1 time, drove my lightning on a AT rambo mission, blew up the sunderer 20m away, then all of sundden..my lightning jumped into the air maybe 10meters before landing on it is back.
    2 time, was c4 a sunderer when a tank 50m away blew up, ignored it and kept placing my c4 when...the sunderer jumped up in the air about 20m then landed on me...

    SoE the fudge did you do? gravity random -0?
  2. Sabreur

    The Vanu Science Team is experimenting with gravity control weaponry. We'll conquer you backwards monkeys any day now.

    Well, we would, except I think we launched most of the science team into the sun during Phase II testing...
    • Up x 1
  3. GSZenith

    i knew it! they are coming runnnnnnnnnnnn!