[Vehicle] [Video] Magrider vs. NC armor

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Danagaming, Oct 25, 2014.

  1. Danagaming

    This is the first time in 2 months since I played Planetside 2, that's why you might notice lack of epic moments in this footage. I am getting back in shape of youtubing :) ndoire this is for you, enjoy!

  2. Schizomatic

    Try some of those evasive maneuvers in a Lightning, Prowler or Vanguard, and you'll get hung up so badly on the terrain you might as well bail and hope the discarded hulk of your formerly expected glory can distract the enemy long enough for you to run away.
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  3. sindz

    Try some straight up 1vs1 and you will realize that the magrider will lose 10 out of 10 times straight up. But the hung up on the terrain will happen 1 out of 100 times.

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  4. Alienhatman

    Obviously the most mobile tank by far shouldn't be winning "straight up fights" or it'd be a problem. Magrider has to be balanced around a major advantage in terrain usage over the other tanks.
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  5. sindz

    Except the mobility (16kph strafe) isn't good enough to justify having the lowest damage, velocity, the most bullet drop and without a secondary gunner you might as well pull a flash. Not to mention its the slowest tank as well and the largest hit box, has the worst 3rd person view and has to expose its backside when using its special ability. Also the tank to have the worst turret elevation (how much you are able to aim up and down) So overall, Id say it has a few more downsides than upsides.
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  6. Ztiller

    Th problem is that, according to these forums, the Magrider using the terrain for our advantage is "Unfair"
  7. The_Blazing

    True but what bugs me about the Magrider is that its advantages require a lot of skill to use, while the other regular tanks are pretty good out of the box even if driven by a less-skilled tanker. The Magrider is too much like an ESF in that it is really crappy and borderline useless until you spend 1000 hours learning to fly it, at which point it becomes an unstoppable death machine.
  8. Linus

    When i see your video, all what comes to my mind is:
    this hit registration bug is evil and you are forced to spend twice more time on destroying the vehicles.