Vehicle Rendering issue

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Deschain, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. Deschain

    Anybobdy getting these types of errors lately?
  2. TheAppl3

    Pretty often and actually only concerning Vanguards, as far as I've noticed know only while playing NC. Rather peculiar...
  3. BenYeeHua

    Me too, and it will stay there until a software restart.
  4. Deschain

    Ok, was wrried it was my GPU, but if its common then its soe's problem.
  5. BenYeeHua

    Try lower the Texture?
  6. Deschain

    Everything else seems fine, just Vanguard Rendering and anything i view from the Vanguard, tis very odd.
  7. BenYeeHua

    Ya, and I think most of it is the game problem, that why it always crash(for some people) as the place is wrong.

    I had this texturing issue with the Vanguard yesterday but wierdly enough, only on Amerish.
    The textures started out fine while I was in the warpgate area but they degraded over time until they looked like the image above.

    As soon as I returned to Indar, the Vanguard textures was back to normal without any degradation over time either.

    It doesn't impact the gameplay in any way, but I kind of like the Vanguard textures. It make the tank look like a real MBT, giving the feeling that you are superior to other empires MBTs, but this issue kinda takes that feeling away a little.

    Deschain, looks like your screenshot was taken while you were on Amerish, is that correct?
  9. Deschain

    Yeh, was amerish, guess theres an issue with that place.
  10. BenYeeHua

    Me too, but it is the caption point.