Pretty often and actually only concerning Vanguards, as far as I've noticed know only while playing NC. Rather peculiar...
Everything else seems fine, just Vanguard Rendering and anything i view from the Vanguard, tis very odd.
Ya, and I think most of it is the game problem, that why it always crash(for some people) as the place is wrong.
I had this texturing issue with the Vanguard yesterday but wierdly enough, only on Amerish. The textures started out fine while I was in the warpgate area but they degraded over time until they looked like the image above. As soon as I returned to Indar, the Vanguard textures was back to normal without any degradation over time either. It doesn't impact the gameplay in any way, but I kind of like the Vanguard textures. It make the tank look like a real MBT, giving the feeling that you are superior to other empires MBTs, but this issue kinda takes that feeling away a little. Deschain, looks like your screenshot was taken while you were on Amerish, is that correct?