[Suggestion] Vehicle game adjustments

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Littlewhitehilt, Dec 7, 2016.

  1. Littlewhitehilt

    new passive cert line for heavy assaults
    lowers reload of rocket launchers with each rank; reasoning, I'm a tanker and am not bothered by heavies, I also air to ground and am not bothered by lock-on.

    30 seconds in a shooter based game is forever, as is anything above 5.
    the following abilities needs reduced cool downs to speed up the game- downtime is boring
    flares IR smoke fire suppression vanguard shield ( yes i said it) mag burner afterburner ( air and ground)

    GSD no longer increases duration but reduces cooldown.

    MAX self repair MAX AI won't be as terrifying with the rocket adjustments above

    sunderer deployment shield is now moved to the utility slot (its useless if you are not one of the main ams)- the cesation of fighting that occurs between each base is down time and as such is irritating, non immersive and boring. Longevity of fights is important.

    C4 now has directional resistance values
    mine guard protects from explosives placed under neath vehicle

    galaxy needs new weapons, nothing for gal pilots to do other then whale.

    skyguard; is changed to a burst damage model reflecting the aspis base turrets that pilots are afraid of. Make it a vulcan against air targets that get too close. Too often pilots complain that SG hits several hexes away. However SG players complain too often a pilot will get away. this allows skill by knowing the range of the SG while allowing lethality required to stop players like Daddy, lazyTR , mattiace, Snafu from going completely ham before dispatching the SG. ESF should be the primary tool for dispatching targets at high altitude giving incentive for players to become pilots.

    ESF; new weapon slot specifically for afterburner types. ESF needs to be implemented into the tutorial eventually assuming the game survives.

    AMP station auto repairs base turrets-extra shots from current amp station are now baseline.-gives more ways for new cert players to fight the veteran vehicle players. makes amp stations strategic advantage of relevance.

    i'm done...devs figure it out. I think you get the idea.. stuff is broke from soe. pls fix.