[Suggestion] Vehicle fov slider.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Some Quiet Dude, Apr 8, 2024.

  1. Some Quiet Dude

    I have put 150hrs (I know it ain't much) and have spent around 90% on foot. I have tried the vehicles in the past and really liked tanking but the fov was hard to deal with. The aerial vehicles I couldn't get into due to the limitation of not being able to bind roll to the A+D keys and yaw to mouse. Allowing players to bind as they please, regardless of self imposed disadvantages (ESF dogfighting being the only I one can think of), would also be a nice addition. These issues killed my want to play entirely.

    I don't have the control issue with the aircraft any longer as I have bound two flight sticks and have they work nicely, I wont be ESF dogfighting but it's great for the others. I honestly had fun hunting sundees with a liberator for a bit. The problem is being forced to fly with my chin glued to the dash makes the experience nauseating and just not worth it.

    I think vehicle gameplay would be much more enjoyable and accessible with these two additions. Adjustable vehicle fov alone would be enough to bring me back into the game.