Vanu weapons other than snipers have no bullet drop

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hashi, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. Hashi

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  2. Phyr

    Who's claiming they have bullet drop? Everyone knows they don't, but they also fall into the middle ground of velocity among the three factions.
  3. Goodkat

    I will gladly accept bullet drop in exchange for harder hitting bullets or larger clips.
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  4. ProGamerGov

    I made a mistake and will probably not post for a while....
  5. Hashi

  6. Cl1mh4224rd

  7. Hashi

    I hear that claim being brought up constantly. If you don't then you're obviously not on these section of the forums enough.
  8. {joer

    Dont' forget the recoil and longer reload times. VS always seem to forget that. Just admit your weapons are the easiest to use and be done with it. Whine a lot and the devs won't nerf them, see the magrider for results.
  9. Total_Overkill

    The hell are you smoking?
  10. SinerAthin

    That's the advantage of firing pure energy!

  11. Wobberjockey

    perhaps you wandered into the infiltrator boards by accident?

    we have to scream at people all the time that the VS does not in fact posses the mythical no bullet drop OSK sniper.
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  12. Hashi

    Care to prove me wrong? The only gun that is different in this field is the GD-7F
  13. vrcarnage

    This all boils down to what I have stated in the past. To many people on these forums have no clue as to what they are talking about 80-90% of them go by pure hear say.

    We need a button that can flag them for being unconstructive. Once they get enough points built up they should not be able to post on the normal forum. They would only be able to post on a forum called "Waaa!" but, they can redeem them selves by making constructive posts and get constructive points.
  14. Kortez12

    Vanu weapons have higher first shot recoil then TR weapons. Some weapons like the orion have flat out higher recoil then their TR counterparts.

    I also love how you mention reload times and then don't bother mentioning that you have ten extra rounds to a magazine like that's not an advantage at all.
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  15. GamerOS

    The harder hitting bullets comes with a decrease in ROF.

    TTK is the same in the end.
  16. Eyeklops

    Yea, as soon as I saw that thread I was like o_O
  17. illgot

    So why do TR wipe the floor with Vanu in CQC battles?
  18. {joer

    Because most of them are in mags and scythes :rolleyes:

    But you are wrong, TR doesn't wipe the floor with VS in CQC. If you are getting wiped in CQC by TR then you would get wiped in CQC as a TR as well.
  19. Hashi

    First, yes TR weapons have less of a higher first shot recoil, but VS weapons have a lower overall recoil so you get better close and mid ranged due to not having to bust fire as much. stop forgetting that too...