Vanu Still Underpowered After All These Years

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Malebranche, May 12, 2018.

  1. Malebranche

    I played back in 2013 and re-joined just to see if its gotten any better and it hasnt.

    I'm glad Higby is gone because he was always biased against Vanu but this faction is still the weakest.

    ZOE is useless, as is the Magrider, the Lancer is the worst heavy launcher, and the only reason the Sirius is a good SMG is because its exactly the same as what the NC uses. The Scythe is okay, but that's pretty much it.

  2. adamts01

    Yet VS wins more than any other faction......

    So where's your evidence that VS as a whole is weak?
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  3. TomoB

    Magrider useless? When I see one I rather run/hide because when piloted by skilled person it moves like a ballerina evading my shots and follows me almost anywhere. I'd say VS is only underpopulated and underskilled because most ppl prefer NC/TR instead of "g*yspandex" faction.
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  4. JobiWan

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  5. Demigan

    You played back in 2013 and couldnt use the back then even better Orion, the super anti-tank sniper doubling as 3-shot kill rifle Saron or the "now we can stop a platoon" PPA? Or the ZOE MAX?

    Sorry dude, but if you thought Vanu was weak then, its all your skilk thats lacking and nothing to do with the faction.

    Even today the average VS player at the very least keeps up and often surpasses the other factions with ES weapons (NC leads in NS/copy-paste weapons). So if you are below that curve it has nothing to do with the VS.
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  6. Zak Preston

    As a VS infiltrator I constantly envy NC SMGs like Cyclone and Gladius or TR pistols. I bet some TR and NC infils envy my no bullet drop semi-auto sniper\scout rifles.
    But in general, VS pop is declining on Miller for a reason.
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  7. Gustavo M

    So the best excuse you can bring of why the vanu is op is simply because "everything is horrible and underpowered"?
    Maybe you should play TR, friend.
  8. adamts01

    The Striker makes up for every single thing TR might lack in other areas.
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  9. Liewec123

    i can't quite decide which is funnier, this "VS UP!" thread or the "NC OP!" one :D
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  10. Blam320

    Lancer needs it's ability to mag-dump back. Super clunky without it.

    Magriders are somehow slower than Vanguards. Already using Racer Chassis just to keep up, and I don't want to sacrifice Fire Sup for Magburners. Heck, I would take a slightly nerfed magburner by default, like the TR are getting default lockdown. Then give NC the overshield in a similar fashion.

    Extremely bad cone-of-fire bloom. Half the time I need to burst-fire at range while NC and TR can hold down the trigger and land more hits.

    Other than that, I don't see much that's blatantly OP about other factions or UP about Vanu.

    Oh, right, the Striker.
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  11. LordKrelas

    So the Lancer, a charge-weapon, needs a button to unload the entire magazine into a target at long range again?
    With the longest ranged AV, on a heavy assault.

    If the Magrider was faster, that would make the range where strafing can dodge shots work for shorter distances.
    As well, if the damn thing was faster than the Vanguard strictly by default, that mobility advantage would be more severe.

    What NC is holding down the trigger in full-auto.... half of the weapons will not tolerate that worth a damn.
    What VS gun are you having issue with? Most guns are burst, or your miss like mad.
    But VS isn't holding TR's hoses, or NC's finicky guns... so I think you're just not used to PS2's Guns.

    Striker is striker, so no comment.
  12. AlcyoneSerene

    TR gear is UP. I got BR99 VS and TR BR69 and the TR feels weak all round while VS seems just right, while NC is OP. That's my experience, don't take my word or anyone's, test it yourself.
  13. Jbeasty

    I'll be the first to say that I don't like VS stuff and am noticeably worse using some of the carbines and ARs. For whatever reason, I just can't seem to headshot consistently with the pulsar C, which has never been much problem for me with TR/NC mid range equivalents. Might be the left, right, left, right horizontal recoil iirc. Don't play VS too much though and only go there to use my magrider.

    That being said, there are plenty of good players using VS weapons to their potential and they are a force to be reckoned with. The heat mechanic on the directive weapons is extremely enticing to many players. I hate running out of ammo and I don't work with a squad as infantry, so I have to run both ammo printer/ammo utility. Having those slots freed with lets say a beetle juice/eclipse/darkstar would be so nice. That thought makes me want to go play VS LA and start auraxing carbines.

    So yea, they aren't UP at all and have by far the highest alert win percentage globally. If they really were UP, that likely would not be true and many less players would choose them. If you really don't like VS, I'd just reroll.
  14. Malebranche

    Alerts are about pop. Sure there are more Vanu, but their weapons suck.

    TR is OP: their Striker can fire six missiles that can autolock, their tanks have got two main guns, their CARV is an awesome LMG.

    NC is OP too: Phoenix is manually guided via kill cams, Shotgun MAX one-kills enemies up close, Vanguards can take tremendous damage and has got a shield to boot.

    The only reason Vanu can win these alerts is through mass sacrifice.
  15. Hegeteus

    If VS had bad weapons, they wouldn't have big pop in the first place. In modern gaming, people tend to flock where the grass is greenest... not saying things are better in VS, but they're definitely not worse by any significant margin
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  16. frozen north

    Dude. You do realize that ZOE is on its third complete rework since the original version was considered to be the most powerful freaking thing in the game right? I mean, in its release version, at max level, it gave 30% damage boost, 30% resistance penalty, a speed buff, and it could be used permanently.

    Not to mention I have seen ( and for a while back in the day, used) magriders that can absolutely dominate in combat. Particularly at long ranges with a skilled crew, the magrider becomes a nightmare to deal with.
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  17. frozen north

    Keep in mind though with the TR tank, that our two shots are not as spectacular as one might think at first. Remember, its two shots, from the single lowest damage per shot MBT cannon in game ( though the net result of the double hit does make for it having the highest damage per reload). Plus, it lacks the effective mobile firing abilities of the magrider, and it lacks the raw durability that the vanguard gets. It's a glass cannon of a tank.

    Also, I want to know specifically why VS weapons suck. As someone who used to use them a lot ( before I started to main my TR, I mained VS), and for the record, I never had too many issues with their weapons.

    They have consistent damage output from balanced rate of fire and damage, good recoil, and fast reloads. Not much wrong with that, as long as you know how to aim. I prefer TR guns, but that has more to do with them supporting my preferred style of shooting; shoot first, aim precisely later.

    Vanguards... Look, if your trying to use a Magrider to fight a Vanguard at close range, then you really, really, should not be using a tank in the first place. Staying mobile at long range is the Magriders bread and butter. Close quarters slug matches are what the Vanguard is built for, but with its firerate, it can't compete at long range with a Magrider.

    NC MAX... I'll admit its the best MAX right now, but given that the other MAX suits are honestly kinda weak right now, that just means theirs is the only one worth running. Plus, the range on its weaponry is pitiful.

    Look, i'll admit, the VS do lag behind in a few areas ( namely tank HESH, and faction rockets, though both used to be rather OP) but there is still a lot going for them. If their wasn't, then the VS would not have numbers at all.
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  18. FLHuk

    The VS Forum Defence Force welcomes a returning member. Keep up the good fight sir!
  19. asmodraxus

    All the infantry guns are relatively balanced baring the empire specific ones (and the pistols as the VS lucked out again and got the crappiest ones, NS pistols are almost mandatory for VS).

    Tanks and Max abilities are somewhat broken

    ZoE = Suicide mode, can we just get the ability deleted and jump jets like the VS had in PS1 (hell just deleting ZoE would be an improvement).
    Magbrun = useless for combat a 1 second burst of speed with a 45 second charge up is useless in combat as its limited to only forwards, now if it was omnidirectional...
  20. Blam320

    Since you're clearly unaware, the Lancer's charge time affects projectile velocity after the last nerf. Mag-dumping would only be effective at close range, while charging your shots would still be the effective long-range option.

    The Magrider's forward-and-backward speed just needs an improvement. Strafe speed doesn't need a buff.

    And I am used to PS2's guns, however I find more often than not VS are forced to burst more often, whereas the other two factions can just keep holding down the trigger.