Vanu Sovereignty

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NC supporter, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. NC supporter

    Recently I went out of my way to play Vanu on Connery and found that they are surprisingly better than all the other factions. I usually get KD's of 0.65 and kills are very spread out in terms of time frame on NC. However on VS I got a KD of 3 and kills that come one after the other with stock guns. I also hipfire a lot so that shows how little skill it takes. The VS also often have population and win alerts. I also found something that showed how much the Magrider does not need a buff. I can stack my Magrider on any thing besides players and flashes and use them as a stool to shoot to higher locations. I can have my Magrider combine with another Magrider and deliver twice the amount of pain. This is not underpowered but quite the opposite. There are also road barriers and vertical slopes such as those mountains on Amerish which I can simply hover across. Nothing stops the Magrider currently and I do not use Magburner so that shows something. The stock weapons are brilliant and I can stack up kills constantly. I do not understand why forumside complains VS underpop and underpowered win alerts, statistics, and many Connery player stats say otherwise. I also asked many VS players on their comment about how VS are underpowered and they deem most of forumsides accounts outrageous. They then proceed to Magrider combo or PPA. To all Vanu players please do not complain about VS when I and many other players would switch from NC to VS anytime of the day.
  2. DatVanuMan

    Bro, that is Connery. You have no idea how many times I usually hated playing on my main VS alt for having a K/D of 0.9437, and switched to my NC one for a K/D of 1.95 or my TR one for 2.38. Stuff happens, and I think it's all luck and a bit of skill.
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  3. Octoknight

    Grass is greener on other side
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  4. NC supporter

    Have you even tried using an Orion and watch the NC fail to take a facility with majority pop?
  5. DatVanuMan

    The Orion is meh. The Lasher though... OH, now THAT is surprise sexxy time.
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    All i read was a lightly thinned VS are OP thread. Please explain to me how the Magrider stock cannon is better than the vanguards. And I find 2 Vanguards scale better than 2 magriders. I will give you a warning though. Careful with the magburn. You magburn off incorrecretly you might get 1 shotted by a rock.
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  7. NC supporter

    Please use the orion more as sir you do not know how much fun it is to see one guy with an Orion take out 5 NC and walk out with only shields gone. I am pretty sure you have not been playing on the server but only playing forumside or playing on fights where the VS is outnumbered. I would gladly show you the magic of the Orion any day.
  8. NC supporter

    Imagine an entire platoon of Magriders hovering on the mountains on Amerish. Those Vanguards can't get up there and Mags can just move side to side to dodge the shots.
  9. M2_Bradley

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  10. NC supporter

    Idk but when I get on VS I never want to go back cause the grass on VS always looks greener but NC and TR are not like that.
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  11. LIKE A BOSS!

    If you can't hit a magrider with a no bullet drop rail gun like main cannon thats a L2p problem. And you still didn't answer my question. Explain to me how the magriders HEAT cannon is better than the Vanguards HEAT?
  12. Octoknight

    Thanks for that gif. I couldn't find it.
  13. NC supporter

    Its more accurate and you shouldn't go toe to toe directly with a vanguard. What you do is you bring a light assault with C4, HA with rockets, or/and a bunch of other tanks to come and help you out.
  14. Octoknight

    Isn't that the point of the grass is greener on other side? Obviously if you like VS so much then no matter how hard you look VS will be "greener". It's just all your opinion. This is also why I love games with 3 fun.
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  15. DatVanuMan

    I know what the Orion is capable of, I just think that us VS shouldn't get it. It is, statistically, a Terran weapon, just without the semi-conventional design. I love the Lasher so much because it looks, sounds, and IS an alien weapon that is FUN to use.
  16. NC supporter

    Its not just me but many other player on Connery would say the same thing. They think all the VS buff threads are completely pointless. Of course they would love magriders being able to fly and a no bullet drop, low recoil gaus saw but it would ruin the game and cause lots of players to leave. Those are the players that buff your kill list and KD and the ones that keep the game alive.
  17. LIKE A BOSS!

    The Magriders HEAT cannon is LESS accurate than the Vanguards main cannon what are you smoking? The Vanguards HEAT cannon is better than the magriders in everysingle way. It can 1 shot ESFs, It does more damage, It can aim higher,and it has a faster velocity. You suffer from the "NC UP Vanu OP please nerf" syndrome. And you literally described how the Vanguard is OP. Why don't i need a bunch of other tanks to help me take out a Magrider? Oh yeah because its crap.
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  18. Octoknight

    First of all, Magrider's gun is less accurate if you want to use velocity as a benchmark since there really isn't an "accuracy" for tanks. And as for your second sentence, everyone does this so...I fail to see your point.
  19. NC supporter

    I doubt most people care who gets what guns since it looks like a VS gun and it stays as a VS gun.
  20. NC supporter

    Last bit was a bit unnecessary but thats what NC's faction trait is and that is that their gear is hard hitting. I also am pretty sure your last word is not allowed on forums.