Vanu on Cobalt

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Larolyn, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. Pikachu

    It's always fun with those non-Indar capture base alerts where vanu wins dominating victory after 15min, not. -.-
  2. The Jiggler

    Those fireworks you mentioned at the TR warpgate... We made an effort to capture footage of the final few minuites... For posterity!

    This operation was a direct response to the TR attempting to warpgate NC earlier on. After breaking their warpgating attempt we pushed all the way to their warpgate and held them to randsom for over an hour like this.

    If anyone is interested to join us. You can do so by applying on our forum at;

    All are welcome!
  3. CruelStriker

    I can beat you... MY magrider ate you and your turret last night ;)

    I've made it my personal agenda to kill you...
  4. Selerox

    I think someone's missed the point of this being a collaborative team game. Enjoy your BR100 stat, I'm sure it brings you hours of comfort in the long dark lonely nights as you sit there realising you picked the faction with the co-ordinated combat ability of a crushed mango.

    Maybe it's the fact that we play as part of a faction that works as a team, or "hides behind 100 other people" as you put it, that's the reason we - and TR - can stamp you into the ground time after time after time?
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  5. The Jiggler

    Wait i thought i wouldn't get a rise out of you?! Hmmm seems like you're a coward AND a liar.

    And The Jesters never get stomped into the ground. That's pretty much the only thing everyone agrees about in this thread.

    If you don't think that's true... Bring it. We'll send you crying back to the warpgate to collect another 100 people to stand behind.

    I look forward to it. I was unaware that the spandex left enough space for a set of balls! Good on you.
  6. Flumps

    The main problem I see is during alerts the Vanu pop jumps markedly and TR's drops as well as the NC's (but not quite so much), only to return to what is was before once the alert ends.
  7. tastyBerryPunch

    I wonder what will happen to Cobalt when the server transfer tokens get released?
  8. The Jiggler

    There will be less people to farm.
  9. CruelStriker

    Well apart from trying to upgrade my magrider to what I want, i need an objective. You are it. Just make sure to get off your turret when you shoot a tank nearby :p
  10. Crestfallen

    Epic! I did feel somewhat for the suicidal liberators, they did make for some pretty explosions though! Also nice to see some Reaver action, especially on Cobalt, NC air power suffers tremendously from their VS counterparts, nice to see them dishing it out in return.

    Other European servers might find themselves with an influx of blues.
  11. S0LAR15

    My play some NC tomorrow.
  12. SadButTrue

    I see this happening even when VS have the lowest World population (~30%). We leave Indar to play out the alert while NC and TR stay there ghost capping in our absence. Alerts for a VS player can often be very boring. TR/NC zerg vs empty bases on Indar and VS zerg against non-existant NC/TR on Esamir/Amerish.
  13. JudgeDeath

    I wish they would fix the leader voip. 85% of the time it doesent work. Massive numbers game and yet SOE seems to be content to toil around on squad level of business.

    Sure there are other means but they are less effective. You can easily spot the difference during alerts when it works and when it doesent.

    Hell, even the personal channels drop out somewhat often these days. Great for platoon leading :cool:
  14. jbkappirossi

    Opper Smurf, i suggest you try to WG VS for atleast an hour at any Warpgate and see how you manage against us and not some randoms? We can do the same every day if we want!

    If anyone is interested to join us. You can do so by applying on our forum at;
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  15. biterwylie

    NC just won the Esamir alert :)
  16. jbkappirossi

    You want a one on one and prove how good the jesters are, i think we can arange that?

    We can do it some where deserted with the same amount of people.

    Personaly, i thing you don't stand a chance against Lord Vanu!
  17. jbkappirossi

    Yea, ofcourse!! VS maybe unhuman by natrure to be able to stay up late at night, but at this time most VS just gets out of bed, way to earlier to do anything for VS. After 3PM you can't realy cal it a fair win, just randoms online.
  18. Mindjacker

    Played NC on Cobalt since release and what i found was in the early times whatever happened in the daytime/primetime hrs as soon as it came to nightime the MASSIVE vs population advantage used to come on and wipe out any gains made by NC (they targeted the NC primary) and in the morning everything was back to vs lock on Indar and sometimes both other cont's. Not through any amount of skill was this acheived but purely through sheer numbers. Over the early months it became obviouse that no matter what the other factions did this was what happened and next day would be a massive grind just to get even territory.
    As a result a hell of a lot of outfits just stopped bothering to try as it was pointless and even if you locked a continent by say you would have an hr or so before masses of vs came on and other faction pop's dwindled to nothing. This caused players to lose interest in their outfits and leave with just the prime time players left to try make up some ground lost in the middle of the night. As this was a ridiculous place to be (every time they login they are down to nothing territory wise) many just fight to get waht they can from a fight and don't even try to organise something more "lasting".
    For the first few months jesters seemd to just play with themselves and push in one direction getting cut-off so not even the benefits from their conquests mattered as they were not connected to the base, when we asked (through me) what to do a couple of times by mssging their leader he said "go hack empty bases" lol last time we offered and never helped them since - elitism is just to stupid to put up with.
    So organization never really took off for the NC as there was no point.

    NB. beaten and been beaten by SOLAR15 in fair fights and i am strictly an average skilled player, no the vs are not "generally more skilled" maybe you just need to up your game but i will agree the NC are not organised.

    LMFAO at "NC and TR pact" lololol happened on occasion as vs had nightime pop advantage but only rarely happened and was a direct response to the vs nightime pop advantage.
  19. Nargot

    I am a bit disappointed to see powerpuffters act like this in this thread, how about throw all your effort away in just one post? There you go ... (hope that was a trollpost from a different user..)

    So, the leader of our biggest outfit is like "gg, NC .. you suck, WE tried to help you out... but you still suck.".

    Get in mind that the jesters arent the cream of the crop, they are just the only halfway competetive outfit we have. Dont be too proud about that, its like beeing the "tallest Dwarf".

    I considered to leave my outfit and apply to the Jesters, good i saw that post.
  20. The Jiggler

    How about we wait for battle islands ;)
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