VANU needed on Waterson server

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by StrikerSix, May 3, 2013.

  1. StrikerSix

    I'm not sure where they all went, but we seriously need more vanu. I wish soe had just better matched the server merge, but since they didn't we need players to come win our frequent uphill battle wins until the servers balanced out.

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  2. ItsJustDash

    I will start playing my Vanu more =3
  3. LibertyRevolution

    But I like my 50%XP bonus for underpop... can you wait till lattice hits live, then we will NEED you. :p
  4. Shanther

    If the Vanu had even pop it wouldn't be a fair fight for the TR and NC.
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  5. StrikerSix

    really really need vanu! personally I think they are the best faction, but I know people need realistic guns
  6. Zakuak

    He's a lier, Vanu on Waterson are doing just fine, move along now nothing to see here.

  7. Deathrus

    they went to mattherson. Where the Vs kick butt,
  8. CaptainYamerica

    4th faction NOT needed. Roll VS, NC or TR, but not all 3 (or 2) on the same server.

    But, yes. VS pop needs a boost, even though they are kicking butt with what they have on Waterson.
  9. Sworn Enemy

    What? The VS on Waterson roll over everyone, even with the underpop.
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  10. Riftmaker

    VANU NEEDED EVERYWHERE! Maybe after the sound revamp hits, and maybe with a few weapon model changes things will get better.
    Balance wise i think the game is in a good place but atm VS really look horrible. I'm BR 70 and i'm sticking with my main but damn it's hard.
  11. UrMom306

    this...if vs had more everyone on the server would be royally screwed
  12. StrikerSix

    wait... vs were awesome at uphill battles on waterson. we just need more. I always liked the way waterson played the game.
  13. Zakuak

    Waterson is best!

    VS, do not need troops =P
  14. Scatterblak

    When was the last time the V won an alert on Watterson? Ever? Or are they happening when I'm not logged in?
  15. Jaeger TR player

    If the Vanu gained the same QUALITY of players as they have currently, it wouldn't be a fair fight. If they gained below average players similar to those that currently OVER-populate TR & NC, they wouldn't be any different than TR & NC.
  16. chrisbeebops

    Waterson: Where the TR's idea of a balanced fight is to outnumber the VS 2:1. :rolleyes:

    If you can't beat them, try spawning more prowlers than they have people. :rolleyes:
  17. IXDeskard

    I play in Waterson and I agree completely. We need more Vanu.
  18. UrMom306

    good one
  19. LT_Latency

    VS needs the best warpgates.

    The TR have them all right now and it's a massacre there is too many of us when we have the best warpgates. When VS have them the populations are closer and the battles are better
  20. Liquid23

    right now Waterson VS seem very good because they have a low pop as everyone but the most dedicated left... I dunno why they would want more as anyone who has been here long enough to see the populations change knows the larger one becomes the worse the quality of it's average forces get