Vanu MAX needs FUN weapons.

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Undead Clown, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Undead Clown

    After playing with the incredibly fun Scatter MAX for NC in beta, and getting killed by and killing TR MAX with dual Cyclers, I have determined that the Vanu MAX needs some FUN weapons.

    NC get shotguns that make lots of noise and destroy at point blank range, the TR get DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA guns, and the Vanu get......well bullets that aren't lasers.........GIVE US SOMETHING FUN TO SHOOT WITH.

  2. Renthrak

    Vanu get the only anti-vehicle MAX weapon that is useful beyond rock-throwing range.
  3. MartianDiscoFish

    Dual comets are very fun to use, but I would love to have the original lasher ghostbuster beam on my max unit
    • Up x 1
  4. Renthrak

    I can't argue with that.
  5. Jourmand1r

    Vanu guns don't use lasers. They use plasma bolts.
  6. Blackfire1

    "Looks at signature"
  7. Grognard

    Now THAT is a great idea. Ghostbuster / Flamethrower loadout... where is my wallet...
  8. Qaz

    that'd be great!! the current vanu max weapons are properly lackluster. i really hope the first content update will deliver in the ghostbuster max department.