Vanu Mains: What would you have played?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by 00000000000000000000, Mar 28, 2015.

  1. ZeroRyoko

    I wouldn't have played PS2 without the Vanu, I've been maximum spandex since the file planet open beta in PS1. Higgy made the right call.
    • Up x 2
  2. Dualice

    I mained Vanu for some time, because of the lore/ideologies, also dem energy effects. Upon making a parody TR account, I soon found I actually had more fun with their gear. Later I justified the TR ideology as pragmatically peace-keeping, though as another user said, a little heavy-handed at times. Originally I think, their heart was in the right place.

    NC backstory also appealed quite a lot, but I just cannot get around their aesthetic, no matter how I try.
  3. FocusLight

    Ooooh, look who's trying ot be all edgy and cool and politically correct.

    Terrorism has a definition - look it up.
  4. Ahmida

    Same here.
  5. Ballto21

    Must. Not. Make. PIC joke. (politically incorrect)
  6. Eternaloptimist

    I play all factions and enjoy them each for different reasons. I started with one of each as I didn't know one from the other. Now, If I had one choice it would be TR (even if Vanu was an option). I like the rof on the weapons, the overall design of the characters and the weapons and the slightly "old fashioned but still functional" feel of the kit. Plus their overtly militaristic call outs and man....that drill sergeant voice pack!
  7. Calisai

    I feel ya.

    Hmm... no Magriders? If I had made it to the point they released Harassers, I'd probably be running Harassers.... more likely I would have been flying Libs and doing infantry work, then burned out of the game and never reached the point where Harassers were released. So, if I was lucky enough to stick around during the ebb and flow of balance, I'd probably be a TR Harasser driver. (I was originally TR in PS1)

    Mags are the reason I still play this game. It's not all I do, but its the playstyle that is the most fun for me. It's the same reason I loved the PS1 Thresher... it had paper armor, but damn the driving was intense. Mags are much slower, but the sheer amount of creativity it takes to drive them well is what drew me to them.
  8. St NickelStew

    I also play VS for the Magrider.

    I would easily have chosen TR for *red*. The color and "look" of NC is not appealing to me.
  9. ATRA_Wampa-One


    I play LA and HA and the NC have the vast majority of the best carbines and LMG's in the game.
  10. vanu123

    NC because I like blue and harder hitting weapons fit my playstyle
  11. Anonymous Qwop

    In that trailer, the NC guy was so badass, he 1 shotted guys with a 167 damage weapon.

    And before you say VS 1 knifed him, the VS was using a charge knife :D
  12. 00000000000000000000

    Nah it wasn't a charge knife but he had already taken some fall damage from the crash, just enough that a regular force blade could finish him off.