Vanu LA - VX6-7 upgrades

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by w33zy, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. w33zy

    Hi everyone,

    I currenly have the Vanu VX6-7 certed with the level 2 Advanced laser sight and a 1x reflex sight. It truly is a hipfire beast at CQC. Is there anything else anyone would recommend upgrading on this gun?
  2. Iridar51

    The only remaining options are suppressor/flash suppressor thingies, which were discussed in detail in previous topics.
  3. Bosjem

    Suppressor is a good attachment: considering that you want to fight in CQ the downsides of the suppressor are not that important.
    I'd suggest unlocking the NV scope too: I find it very usefull in night time fights and biolabs for those short-mid range engagements where ADS is better than hip firing.
  4. Demyer

    +1 for NV scope.
    Personally I started using forward grip more then the advanced laser. Hipfire is still good, ADS is much better.
  5. Prince Planet

    I have two load outs:

    1) Day - ALS2 and 1x Reflex sight

    2) Night - Fore grip and NV scope because you can get more comfortable and ADS.
  6. w33zy

    Oh wow ! I never even thought of having two loadouts; one for day and one for night. I'll definitely give this a try!
  7. Kronic

    I don't see why people love the NV scope. Very restrictive and the range on it is awful. Only good for very CQC oriented loadouts and shotguns. I using nothing but the red dot on my LC2 Lynx at pretty much any range and I do very well with it.
  8. bogroll

    I'm kind of disappointed with the soft point ammo. CQB is what this gun is for, yet I've gimped it at <10m but made it better >10m. I love the 2x Laser and NV scope though. Not tried the suppressor yet.. may do it soon.
  9. ChironV

    After certing 2x laser rail and learning to hit L to keep the damn laser off, I got NV scope and suppressor for it. I rarely use the scope except at night or if I throw down a smoke nade.
  10. sideshow

    Yup, Suppressor. VX6-7 is excellent up close, so the Suppressor isn't much of a handicap, and staying off radar as you run around the enemy base is really powerful.

    N.B. I use that setup for close-up work, while for range I use the Pulsar C with a 2x Reflex and HV ammo.
  11. w33zy

    You guys mean Suppressor and NOT Flash Suppressor right? Just wanted to be clear.

  12. sideshow

    Yeah: Suppressor stops you showing up on minimap.
  13. illgot

    ever hear the sound of an enemy infiltrator but just can't find them? Get the NV scope.

    Do you have to keep the laser on to retain the benefit or can you turn it off (L key) and retain the hip fire bonus?
  14. exLupo

    +1 to Suppressor for sneakery and NV for infil house cleaning. I got soft points for my Lynx and can't say if it made a difference. My slots are all filled, tho, and that feels good.

    Worth it for that alone.
  15. Skiptis

    Wut. It has one of the (if not the) largest visible areas of all scopes that enclose your vision and it's still a 1x scope. The NV part of it goes a long way to compensate for enclosed vision. It synergises well with advanced laser sight because you get a fairly good overlap between hipfire and ADS (i.e. the effective range of hipfire is far enough that you don't need to ADS so close it becomes a problem). If you're shooting at targets beyond the visual range of the NV scope with a VX6-7 you're wasting ammo.
  16. illgot

    Odd tip. Have your nv scoped and hit tab. You can see the whole screen in nv... just have to look though the tab text. I do this when camping.
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