Vanu Carbine DPS over Distance including ammo types

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by grin, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. grin

  2. Iridar51

    Erm, nice work. But, why?
  3. HvcTerr

    Uhm... Doesn't this graph assume every single bullet hits on full auto at ridiculous ranges?

    Damage-per-bullet is much more meaningful at those distances.
  4. grin

    I was messing around with the data sheet for my own use. Figured someone else could use this info too.

    Yes it does make this assumption. I could make other assumptions like average accuracy over the whole playerbase but I went with this instead.

    Damage per bullet like this?
  5. Demyer

    If you add horizontal lines at 167,143,125,112,100,91 (which show minimum damage required for 6,7,8,9,10,11 bullets to kill), you get a better view of ammo type effects.
    Also if your target has nanoweave all those lines go up and soft points become kinda worthless.
    • Up x 1
  6. grin

    Added Lines for shots to kill at different bullet damage. For rank 1-5 Nanoweave simply add 1 more shot.
    • Up x 2
  7. Wolfwood82

    Isn't that assuming that nano-weave is worth a damn?

    And nano-weave does not make soft point ammo "worthless". Softpoint extends the range at which your ammo is at top effectiveness, so really it's improvement is not changed by whether or not your target has nano-weave.
  8. grin

    Agreed. I still don't use soft point though :D It's just not a good exchange for my playstyle. I run HV on everything I can though.
  9. Demyer

    Soft point requires 1 less bullet to kill from 10-15m compared to normal ammo.
    If your target has nano1 that 7 body line moves up to 147 and they lose that advantage over normal ammo.
  10. -IC3-

    Interesting, where did u got informations about SP & HV bullet modificators?

    I was looking for a cross faction comparison, and you are doing exactly the right way, can u pls make a chart about bullet damage drop with these weapons?

    - solstice
    - pulsar-c
    - AC-x11
    - GD-7F
    - AF-19
    - Trac-5
  11. Raidashi

    i can dig it... not bad at all
  12. grin

    Notes sheet on the weapon data extraction sheet posted here:
    I'm working something like this, may take some time.
  13. -IC3-
