Vanu 2x reflex scope vs 1x scope?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheEvilBlight, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. TheEvilBlight

    Bought a 2x the other day for my Pulsar LSW/LUW and thought it was pretty neat; however...what's the point of the 1x? The 2x doesn't appear to make anything bigger, and it feels like a 1X.

    Maybe it's a bug. Not keen on buying the 1x reflex with certs just to find out.
  2. RedPsycho

    Some guns only allow a 1x Reflex like the Jaguar Carbine the TR have. Also the 1x Reflex is basically a replacement for the Iron Sights which some people don't like because of how they can reduce what you see as in the Target itself.

    The 2x does have some zoom amount but it's not an amazing number.
  3. FnkyTwn

    I use both the 1x and 2x with my Pulsar LSW (thanks LevelCap). If I know most of my fighting is going to be in a canyon or large open ground and that the enemy will mostly be at medium range then I use the 2x Reflex, but if i'm fighting in a building or closer range I go for the 1x. It doesn't seem like there's much difference between the two, but I find that there really is depending how close your enemy is. You can make either work in both situations, but if you know you're going to be doing one or the other primarily then you might as well properly equip for the situation.
  4. Morpholine

    There's minimal difference between the two. I don't know why anyone would pick up both on the same weapon (once they learned how little difference there is).
  5. Ture

    Get the 1x because 2x has cyan colored dot which is hard to see against green terrain.
  6. Zorro

    The 2x is better for long range, and (arguably) the best scope for long range available to a carbine. I have not tried out the 1x, myself.
  7. Duvenel

    I prefer the 1x because of the cleaner outlines and less clutter. I use the 2x on my AA HA so I can occasionally fire a few shots at hovering ESFs. But otherwise I prefer the 1x.
  8. TheEvilBlight

    Anyone have pics of the two? I need a nice reflex for my Orion..maybe I'll grab the 1x for the orion.
  9. Oreo202

    1x is definitely better for the Orion. Iron sights are good as well. 2x zooms too far for what you would use the Orion for. There's a few 'sight guide' videos up on youtube.
  10. DemoEvolved

    If you are one of those players that always goes ADS regardless (habits) then if you are CQC in a tower (converting [A]) and have a 2x it feels overzoomed. and you die.

    If you are in the field then the Vanu 2x is the best scope in the game. rly

    Not all guns get both reflex scopes.
  11. Vanuub

    Can't get 2x on the HV45, that makes me rage, it would be pretty awesome with advanced laserdot for hip and 2x for ADS. Stuck with 1x or 3.4x+. 3.4x and above is terrible for anything but singleshot unless you are a no-recoil, no-cof cheater.

    Main reason to get 1x is that default sights are awful. On purpose. To make us spend certs.
  12. Chrysalis

    1x Reflex is purely just to get rid of the iron sights which are all pretty turrible on most guns in this game. Kind of sad really how awful most of the iron sights are.

    I use 3.4x on my Solstice SF for burst fire shenanigans. Shoot at center mass, third bullet ends up around head level due to recoil.

    That weapon is for mid-range fighting though.
  13. FreelancePanic

    I definitely prefer the 1x scope for all my automatic weapons, as it makes controlling the recoil a lot easier. Higher zoom optics just exaggerates the recoil a bit too much.
    • Up x 1
  14. turtlestation

    I use 1x and 2x for all LMGs that have it. I use 1x for close quarters combat and 2x is the highest I use for long range combat. I use a relatively low sensitivity so 2x isn't so great for me in CQC.

    The VS 2x is my favorite and IMO best 2x sight.
  15. TheEvilBlight

    I bought a 6x for my SVA for giggles. My LSW has the 2x and the 4x.
  16. DemoEvolved

    How's that working out for you?

    Scopes come with automatic compensation per their magnification level. Discuss.
  17. TheEvilBlight

    I can see things that I can touch with singleshot, but I'm not sure if I can actually kill things at that range.
  18. De_Dominator

    cuz 2x scope reduces your visual span.
    some in close quarters against multiple enemies you wanna see as much as possible without any magnification.
  19. TheEvilBlight

    It reduces your FOV? It didn't feel like it...I think I will try again under controlled conditions, 'cause I was focusing on whether stuff in middle of screen "looked bigger" (the whole point of magnification).

    I'll try tonight. If I buy that 1x for one of my other CQ guns, I'll post screenies for reference.
  20. De_Dominator

    Yeah intuitively the 2x scope would narrow your field of view, which is an inevitable consequence of magnification.
    the 1x scope would, from what i have seen, slightly narrow your FOV, providing something like 1.1x magnification, but essentially it is still close to 1x.