Vanguard shield still overpowered, nerf didn't address the real issue.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RaskolBandit, May 24, 2014.

  1. RaskolBandit

    Vanguard shield is still an "oh s**t" button, and makes flanking attacks completely useless. Lightnings still cannot take out a 1/2 Vanguard even when they have been flanked. This was always the biggest issue with Vanguards, and not that they can take so much damage to the frontal armor.

    Buff the total damage the shield can take but remove the resistance to the rear and add a ramp-up time to the shield being fully functional, just like the change Heavy Assault shield will receive soon.
  2. Alarox

    1.) That's not the proper use of the [PSA] tag.

    2.) This thread again?

    3.) Every MBT can take a rear shot from a Lightning then turn around and still win. An anchored Prowler can sit there with his butt facing you and still win the DPS race. With HEAT. The only time you can reliably beat an MBT as a solo Lightning is when you hit a Magrider in the rear and then drive underneath him.
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    You saying your lighting tank cannot kill a vanguard.
    hmmm wonder whyo_O

    Also the shield is ONLY 6 sec and 1 AP shot will break it(if in the rear) as of the latest patch at least for other heavy tanks.
    If you want to kill a vanguard in a lighting, pick a bad vanguard and use terrain and mobility.

    But seriously, you're complaining about a light tank losing to a heavy tank
    What did you think was going to happen?
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  4. Aesir

    Sorry to break this news to you, but this forum has a search function. And this Topic has been discussed to death in here and the "common" opinion was that the nerf didn't directly change anything ... other than give flanking Magriders and AP Lightnings a bit more of a chance.

    Also something that everybody for nerfs to the shield overlooks is the fact that the Vanguard is still the worst thing to use against Infantry and you're probably better off jumping outside your Tank and firing your Carbine at Infantry ...
  5. Alarox

    One AP shot will not break the shield.

    I believe that 1 FPC in the rear of the shield will do it. I've done before.
  7. hellomumbo369

    dude, the shield got a massive nerf. It honestly doesn't need anymore nerfs. IMO it needs a rework. In fact, imo, all of the mbt's need a rework
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  8. Aesir

    I would go as far and say all Vehicle based combat and the role it plays in the game needs a rework ...
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  9. Alarox

    It takes an FPC shot and a Halberd shot.

    The shield is exactly 50% of the Vanguard's health. If one FPC shot could break it from behind, it would mean that a Vanguard would die in two shots to the rear without it.
  10. Takoita

    I've been on a receiving end of this supposedly nerfed shield quite a few times and believe that the problem wasn't in its duration (6 seconds is still more than enough for the Vanguard to kill you anyway) or its damage absorbtion (mines still remain the only surefire way to blow it up for good, everything else leaves it with enough time to trun both turrets around and fill you with Titan AP + Enforcer regardless of that 'nerf') - it is the ability to both shoot and move as normal while it is active that is the problem.

    However this fact doesn't deserve neither a new thread, nor a PSA tag. You should feel bad.

    Also, Vulcan is a piece of **** that needs a rework.
  11. RaskolBandit

    Incorrect. Even with anchored AP and vulcan on top, with a max reload speed and fire-suppression AP lightning you can kill the prowler before he can kill you. Vanguard is the only one that seems near impossible to kill for a Lightning solo unless you catch him on shield cooldown.
  12. RaskolBandit

    Yes, i am complaining that an AP light tank getting a full surprise flank on an enemy heavy tank still cannot kill it, even when it's only 1/2. Prowler and Magrider are both easily killed in this situation, Vanguard is not.
  13. Alarox

    Anchored AP Prowler vs Lightning front:
    6 shots; 4.58s
    Two reloads required. Anchored reload speed is 1.04s plus a 0.5s delay after each shot. Two reloads (2.08s) plus 5 delays (2.5s).

    AP Lightning vs Prowler rear:
    4 shots; 8.1s
    Three reloads required, each reload is 2.7s.

    All three MBTs while 1/2 can still turn around after being hit in the rear and manage to win. Give me a hypothetical situation and I will show you why you're wrong.
  14. PrimePriest

    Psshhh. The shield has already been nerfed by 25%. No more tears. Just dreams.
  15. Alarox

    Actually, according to my math a Magrider with FPC will lose to an AP Lightning if jumped from behind. However, if they have a gunner or switch seats for a Saron/Halberd volley the Lightning will lose.
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  16. BeyondNInja

    Don't forget MAXes, and light assaults, and heavies and...
  17. Flag

    Compared to the vehicles, those are "fine".
  18. Aesir

    As mentioned ... Combat Vehicles are in a much more dire situation ... to the point that only Sundy's and Galaxies are the only truly "viable" Vehicles in the entire game ...

    Armor is useless in open combat and base battles, there is no reason to use it.

    Air can dominate and even fight in large zerg battles and their use highly scales with the size of the battle from powerhouse to non deciding.

    MAX's still have a use and if you watch all the Community Clashes or other "competitive" event are used with large quantities of support dedicated to increase their effect on the battle.

    LAs have a unique use because of the jetpack and flanking nature, they are used in less numbers, but atleast they are used and viable for task like scouting, flanking, beacon placement/hunting, C4 Fairy roles and fill a niche purpose needed in general battle, but at lower demand.

    HAs are in a very strong spot right now ... they are the generic "Grunt".

    Infantry Combat atleast exists to the point that it's actually a thing. Air Combat is kept alive through the aces, the current situation Lib crews enjoy and the fact that flying is a lot of mobility that no one else enjoys ...

    Actual Tank Warfare is practically dead since over a year now as it happens maybe once a week even on the two larger servers Connery and Mattherson. (Tank Zergs cuddling each other from cover is not Tank Warfare ... I can and in fact do watch TV while doing that ... )

    On the Normal Live Servers about 90%+ of the actual work for a capture in a large battle is done by Infantry and Sundy's/Gals's. Vehicles have no affect other than padding the users stats ... which is a pointless thing to do for capturing bases ...

    It's like Combat Vehicles are only there to create the illusion of combined arms while Infantry can and will dominate everything and everywhere, given the battle is large enough ...
  19. Flag

    Hey! You're forgetting Miller in your list of big servers!:mad::p
    ... although even there tank warfare is sparse, if even that.

    But you know I agree with your points.

    Although I feel I should mention that some people play with tanks not to pad their stats but because it's fun, if frustrating.
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  20. Frozen-K

    It is fun to demolish other tank crews, I have to admit.