Vanguard overpowered (video)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Brad seven, Jun 1, 2014.

  1. Flag

    There is one that owns it quite hard, but it's so full of cheese I'd rather not list it in a public forum.
  2. Shabo

    Yep driver is at fault here. One must never charge face first againsts a full health, shield ready vanguard. Poke from a distance/Cover -> make him pop shield -> then charge.
  3. Hoki

    I didn't read this thread but I'm guessing people are defending the shield based solely upon prowler, ignoring the rest of the game.
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  4. Alarox

    Wraith flash with C4?
  5. Flag

    Although so far I've only died twice to it.
    However, that dwarfs the amount of times people in my squad (when I was leading such things) decided to pull their kamikaze flashes to spite vanguards. And sometimes camping prowlers.
  6. Alarox

    I just jump out of a Reaver/Lib against Prowlers. Although flashes are more effective vs Magrider since they constantly move.
  7. Flag

    Flashes are effective at quite a lot of things your average player wouldn't know about.

    And thank **** for that.
  8. Takoita

    All of these are points of common sense I really should be following more often.:D My post was fueled by bumache, so my apologies.

    I'd like to underline that the two main issues I've mentioned - Prowler ES secondaries underperforming and Vanguard shield allowing it to come out alive in some situations it really shouldn't because it can fire away all its guns with impunity while protected from damage and fully mobile - are there and have caused quite a few of people I played with to take a break from this game for an undetermined amount of time. Possibly forever.

    I find that extremely frustrating.
  9. Heyitsrobbie1984

    yeah i got picked apart by them XD
  10. Village

    You tried to take on a Vanguard 1 on 1, you failed the test right there. The correct decision would have been to run and never look back.
  11. Alarox

    He had the initiative by a good margin. If he anchored on the spot, he could have won. I've tested this with two maxed out Prowler/Vanguard with AP + Halberd/Enforcer.
  12. Chrisragnar

    Well everyone knows you cant beat a vanguard that way. You have to put in the extra miles and hours, or just C4.

    The problem with vanguard sheild was never the amount of hitpoints. It does not matter if the sheild goes down after one hit or 5, you cant win a fight against a vanguard by shooting down its sheild b/c he will wreck your hitpoints meanwhile. Lowering the HP of the sheild only makes the vanguard a bit less long lived when they go on their suicide rampage against hordes of enemies.

    My problem with the vanguard is that its pretty much an insta-win in any 1v1 unless the vguard is a **** shoot for some reason. It can survive dubble C4. It can survive 3+ players going AT easy (usually it just sits there for 5 min taking rockets, while other tanks have to retreat after 1-2 rocket hits. Its faster than the mag and can completely neglect the ONLY DRAWBACK that is acceleration with just a chassi upgrade. The only drawback i can think of with the vanguard over the other tanks is anti-infantry, and even there the AT gun is a pretty good infantry sniper.
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  13. Epic High Five

    Yeah that particular complaint was the NC refrain for almost an entire year while the Vanguard shield was broken and the Enforcer was a 50m/s Halberd. I DO know what that's like.

    Plenty of TR seem to do fine and seriously enjoy the guns available to them, my TR alt included. If it's wishy washy inferior clones of other faction guns you want then it's the VS you're looking for.
  14. FBVanu

    Takoita, the secondaries are only important when you get close. I can tell you that I roll solo, my secondary is a G30 AA.. so I don't have a gunner or secondary that could ever be of any use against Vanguards.. yet I hardly die to them.
    Yes, the ES secondaries are lackluster pee shooters.. but I have seen Vulcans shred Vannies.....

    The Vanguard can not fire away with impunity... at least not for long. The shield lasts 8 seconds, max.... during those 8 seconds you need to be behind cover.. and if there is no cover, you should not have engaged the Vanny... or keep a huge distance and snipe at the sucker.. when the fires, wiggle, zig zag, make him miss.. (doesn't work all the time.. but works lots of times)

    The people that left the game because of it, well, they just didn't get it. Sorry to see them leave. They could have learned a few tactics and they would have never been this frustrated. That is the most important part of PS2... - don't get frustrated.. keep practicing, keep learning, watch youtube videos.. there are tons for each tank/faction/cannon etc..
    I spent hours watching the aim point on youtube to see when and where other tankers aim and schoot.. to learn my own best shooting.
  15. Flag

    At all levels.

    Although you can still break it ahead of time with sufficient damage.
  16. Takoita

    Haven't really seen that happen without the help of tank mines since it was fixed though.
  17. Takoita

    Well, say your armor colomn is making its way through that road near the Howling pass base, whichever direction. Yes it is a bad place to be, especially against Vanguards and we should all just ditch our armor and jump into Liberators (this solution applies to a staggering amount of potential problems), yadda, yadda.

    But it is a place where the Prowler's lacking in secondary AV department shows itself very clearly. As in in any situation you are going up a road in one of those less-than-ideal chokepoints ground armor has to traverse and bump into an enemy MBT at full hp with 2/2 AP behind the nearest bend of the road, you die, Halberd or Vulcan doesn't matter because both Enforcer and Saron have better burst up close and are no slouches at a distance either.

    If I wanted to roll around with no secondary, I would pull a Lightning.

    However much I hate that the shield allows them to shoot and move normally, I don't want to call for nerfs - please don't mistake me, I like playing other factions from time to time too - but Vulcan and Marauder (tank shotgun too, of course) are in a serious ditch and need to get all around better by leaps and bounds.

    'They didn't get it' is a filthy excuse for bum-licking the dev team of questionable competence, if you'll forgive my French. If ES stuff - what arguably defines TR as TR as long as this is a shooter game - is worse at its sole niche than their common pool (oftentimes more versatile) counterparts, than people will leave for other teams, or better yet, other games and we will be left with a ghost town.

    That is unacceptable.
  18. Takoita

    Yes, I've seen those threads even if their contents went above my head at the time. But it got fixed, didn't it? So I am asking for Prolwer to get a fix too, even if in a more rude manner than strictly necessary.

    Sometime this millennium before we all die out, preferably.
  19. Epic High Five

    Well the Vanguard Shield unambiguously did not work for almost a year, during which the Vanguard was regularly running half of any given metric but deaths compared to the Magrider, and it still took almost a year to fix

    The Prowler is doing quite well performance-wise so I think a milennium may just be in order as far as wait times go. As far as balance sees it, the Prowler has effective weapons for all ranges, its just that the ES stuff is all clustered in one range

    I'd kill for a PPA though and no mistake
  20. Takoita

    Well, it ******* happened, wisea$$, and your VR room math experiment took a nervous smoke in a dtich.

    I don't know if there are hit registration problems with Vulcan no one noticed because no one uses it or something, but this same situation happened repeatedly this year - yes after Vanguard shield got 'nerfed' - to either myself or other people in my squad.

    We must've deliberately lost in a loud manner to get the forum whine up, yes?