Vandal over Nyx?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by PsyStorm, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. PsyStorm

    Anyone could add any insight for this. I already have the Nyx but I want to know why I would buy the Vandal to replace it.
  2. Mongychops

    You are right that it kinda fits in the same niche as the Nyx, the Vandal is slightly better at shorter ranges and the Nyx slightly better at longer ranges.

    For the Vandal:
    • 0.75x ADS movement. This is the big selling point, this means you can peek around doors, corners, and ridges while ADS more safely, as well as staying moving in a firefight.
    • Bigger magazine. More bullets means you are more likely to be able to win an encounter without running dry.
    • NS weapon sound / tracers. The Nyx's sound and purple tracers immediately alert everyone nearby that there is a VS shooting nearby. Many enemies will take a fraction of a second longer to realise it's an enemy.
    • The hipfire is better. Combine this with a laser sight, and when caught out of ADS, or chasing someone down, you can actually hipfire pretty well under 10m.
    • If bought with SC, is usable on every faction.
    For the Nyx:
    • Better bullet velocity. Easier to lead moving targets at longer ranges.
    • No bullet drop. Can open with an easy head-shot using the 4x crosshair at long range.
    • Very fast reload. Lets you reload often, and out of cover safely.
    • Cheaper. The Nyx costs 250 certs less than the Vandal.
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  3. Tenebrae Aeterna

    The Vandal keeps it's sway on low optics?
  4. Mongychops

    I havne't used the Vandal with more than a 2x reflex, can't say I've noticed any sway, since it's a scout rifle, not a sniper.
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  5. Unclematos7

    The only way to get scope sway is if you put the 6x scope on them.
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  6. Plague Rat

    It's doesn't, you're clear. Since the too the sway off the iron rail sniper's, its seems to be something that's entirely scope dependent now. It'll be there if you slap the aftermarket 6x on it, but it's steady as a rock for every other scope. Which is quite nice with the fast ADS.

    The weapons are similar but they're different enough to offer a preferential choice based on your play style.

    They both support a mobile high aim style but you'll find the Nyx weighted more like a psudo-sniper and the Vandal more like a battle rifle. If you tend to be a bit more aggressive then the Vandal is the way to go since it's perks make assaulting actions easier, whereas by comparison the Nyx will feel better more comfortable being slightly more methodical with ranged shooting and ambushes.
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  7. Trilateral

    Nyx and vandal have the same ROF? I might be crazy but the nyx feels slower
  8. Tentakewls

    Nyx has actually higher ROF
  9. Benevon

    Like plague said, sway is now entirely based on the optic itself. Many infs were not happy that their low optic weapons had sway where other classes did not. Same with the "sniper" carbines, I believe, did not have sway with a 6x before.
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  10. Trilateral

    Are you referring to chamber time? Chamber time is not ROF. The vandal has a bigger clip but I can empty it in about the same amount of time as it takes to empty a clip with the Nyx.
  11. BloodyPuma

    Stat are somewhar missleading here.

    I found vandal to be absolute beast on cqc and proper on medium.
    Nyx can be brutal on medium and long, medicore on cqc.
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  12. AdamRah

  13. PsyStorm

    I already own the Nyx and after testing there I have some finds.

    1. Nyx with suppressor doesn't have any bullet drop, at least to 200 meters.
    2. Nyx has faster velocity by 20.
    3. Nyx has faster reload times.
    4. Vandal has 3 more ammo per clip.
    5. Vandal has better hip fire but not very noticeable to me.
    6. Vandal has .75x Ads movement speed compared to .50 from the Nyx.

    My final thoughts on these two weapons. I think the Nyx is far superior based on the bullet drop being non existent even with a suppressor. Two head shot kills are great and the fire time seems very similar on both weapons. I actually felt like the Nyx allowed me to get my follow up shot faster than the Vandal. I can't find any reason to take this weapon other than 3 more bullets per clip and the ads movement speed. In close quarters I would rather use the laser sight and not ads at all on this one.
  14. salembeats


    I Auraxiumed the Vandal last night and wondered why I hadn't seen any discussion about it:

    It's interesting that not a single person has pointed out the benefit of NS tracers and NS gun audio. This, to me, was one of the big selling points of the MKV - people can't tell that it's an enemy weapon being fired. As such, NS weapons are the best weapons to throw suppressors on, because they're the most stealthy by nature.

    In my testing with the Motion Spotters, I've discovered that most people don't usually glance at the minimap regularly, so I ran this gun with a Flash Suppressor rather than a full Suppressor most of the time. Kill people before they can fire back, so you don't give anyone a reason to stir, and you'll do well.

    The Vandal is the rifle version of the Underboss. It's seriously like the devs sat around and thought, "What if we added some range, velocity, and attachments to the Underboss?"
    I really enjoy the Underboss (It's my highest KPH gun, even more than my primaries), so playing with the Vandal became very fun once I made this realization. The reason that this and the Underboss are sometimes more effective than SMGs in CQC is that Infiltrators benefit disproportionately from high alpha damage and/or high damage per bullet.
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  15. salembeats

    It's an enchanced-range, rifle version of the Underboss. The gun audio even sounds extremely similar.
  16. Xenryx

    Finally someone who gets it! The Underboss is a beast through and through, and can pretty easily **** on SMGs. SMGs are just the ezmode version of the Underboss. Also completely agree with how INFs get huge benefits from high alpha damage, no matter the range, since you have the holy Underboss to protect you within 11,5m where you can't as easily shoot > pop back into cover. This is exactly why I use nothing other than Bolt-Actions, especially the SAS-R (1 kill every 1,1sec anyone?).

    Although tbh, the Vandal really is tempting to use, since it's so accurate (predictable recoil) and has 0,75x ADS movement speed compared to the ES Semi-Automatic Scout Rifles. For even only 1 of these reasons alone it'd be better than the ES Scouts.
  17. Tentakewls

    I got the Vandal only because the Nyx looks a lot like the Eidolon, which I already have, and sometimes I like having non-plasma weapons, plus reload animation is awesome.
  18. PsyStorm

    Good point regarding the tracers. I might use it for this reason solely. I will use the Nyx for medium to long and the Vandal for close and a bit further out before the bullet drop kicks in.
  19. salembeats

    The NS gun audio and tracers should work especially well if you're playing Vanu, as your enemies expect mostly laser sounds coming from you guys.
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