Vague MAX ability descriptions. Just not good enough.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ChipMHazard, May 22, 2013.

  1. ChipMHazard

    "Upon activation the MAX is anchored to the ground, increasing fire rate, reload speed, and projectile speed by between 15%-30% depending on the weapon system."

    Really? Are we still being overly vague here SOE? Would it perhaps be a good idea to make sure that players know how exactly Lockdown works with the different weapon systems before spending cert points on it? [The rumour has it that Bursters don't recieve much of a bonus if any at all]

    The same goes with the ZOE, which is even worse as it gives no details what so ever.
    "Increases the damage output of weapons at the cost of reduced armor effectiveness. Damage amounts vary from weapon to weapon."

    And the same goes for the Aegis Shield. Although there aren't as many variables to take into consideration.

    Honestly, I thought we were behind this SOE. This just isn't acceptable. If I am to spend cert points on something then I want to be damn sure what it is I am spending those points on.

    Here in Denmark we would say "Det er en ommer!"
    • Up x 5
  2. Madiadk

    JA Nemlig :p !
  3. AuntLou42

    Actually this is very acceptable and you will survive. Let's not rage over something so pity.
  4. jiggu

    I agree, I wanna see facts.
  5. SpcFarlen

    Goes the same for weapon attachments now. Before GU08 it was a flat X% applied. So if you had HV ammo it was 15% faster projectile speed, was easy to look at the value and multiply by 1.15 to get the new value. Now the percentage is on a per weapon basis, which of course isnt stated so unless you data mine each attachment per weapon the value is vague and cant really be calculated easily.

    It helps to have stats layed out for the average player to see. Its why we no longer have those hideous bar graphs. Its why people data mined the weapon values because the ingame stats do not and STILL do not give a whole representation of the weapon and how it handles before you buy it. Even trying it out doesnt really give you a full picture because there are variables that may not have been tested when you tried it out or fired at still targets in the VR room.

    For the battle hardened vet, we have had our hands on weapons for many many hours. So of course we know their strengths and weaknesses but to a new player they dont. New players need to be able to get the same sort of information as someone whos played for months (or even a year if you were in early tech test). Give the players all the information possible so they can make an informed decision about what they buy, cert and SC wise.
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  6. Tar

    isn't it something like 15% for Bursters and 30 for anything else?
  7. Myka

    Supported. MAX abilities should state figures at all times, not this 'does a bit more of x' crap.
  8. Goretzu

    NC accurate description would read -

    "it's a shield, you know like they used to use in warfare before guns were invented..... it doesn't protect your feet, head or you from any AOE though (so anyone that can aim basically)" :D
  9. ChipMHazard

    Wanting actual data instead of vague descriptions or performance bars isn't petty. We finally got proper data for our weapons, why not the rest? Attachments, all abilities etc.
  10. AuntLou42

    I think we should get the proper data I just think we can play without it. Maybe if you would of just asked for the numbers I wouldn't have said anything. But instead you go off like "OMG how could they POSSIBLY NOT give us the numbers??? :confused: ". Whelp dude I guess we've been had by Sony again. It's not like they were withholding the info cause oh they wanted to wait till it was fully tested or they didn't want to lengthen the patch notes with the specifics or planned on giving us the numbers elsewhere. NO NO they did it just to anger us and take more of our money. SONY IS OUT TO GET US!!!
  11. ChipMHazard

    We can play without having proper information ingame, we've been doing that since beta and instead relying on spreadsheets made by the community. However this is no excuse for not having it ingame. No player should have to look outside of PS2 to find out basic information about the certable options.
    So you don't appreciate the tone in which I made my thread? Well allow me to retort. Tough! I don't rightly care about your straw man fallacy.
    We only got the weapon stats after a very long time of complaining about the lack of aforementioned stats. IMO, It isn't acceptable anymore to have that lack of information for important gameplay elements. It takes time? Ok, don't see why it would take a long time to type in a longer text box with detailed information about which weapons recieve which bonus amount, as an example. Personally I just don't think that they [SOE] normally thinks about the importance of this, which is fine. I'm just going to try and make sure that they remember that there are those of us who do think that it is important. Only way to break a bad habit... Like patch notes that don't indicate by which amount something has been nerfed or buffed...
    It's in SOE's own best interest to give the players as much information about their certable options. as possible, so that they will have a better understanding of said options. Would certainly help players come up with more constructive balancing feedback.
  12. AuntLou42

    Feel free to quit playing or uninstall. Oh wait you won't cause it's really NOT that big of a deal.
  13. that_darn_lurker

    If the ability description space is too small to give actual facts for each and every weapon, then they should at least post the information in their patch notes
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  14. ChipMHazard

    Hahaha. Oh that's rich. Yeah this was so obviously a "Do it or I quit" thread. I never made any kind of comment that would lead anyone, except for you, to that conclusion. So are you done with the fallacies?
    Like I wrote before I couldn't care less if you don't like my tone when I post constructive critiscm, yes it is constructive if not actually worded in a cordial manner.

  15. AuntLou42

    Well let's see where you landed on the scale:

    1. Letting it be.

    3. Professional criticism.

    5. Crying about it.

    7. OMG I feel betrayed.
    <-------- OP
    10. That's it I quit.

    You registered an 8.2, that's pretty high man. Anything under a 5 isn't even considered a "Tone" it's "Rage". I know I know no bid deal right? I understand you could care less. It just sucks the fan base can't reserve harsh posts for important things that actually need fixing. Sorry for derailing the thread, but it sometimes just gets taken too far. I'll stop now.
  16. ChipMHazard

    So that's a no on being done with the fallacies. Apology "accepted" but it only happens when someone wants to try and win a pointless victory by being an overall *** and hide behind fallacies.
    Let me retort with a statement of equal silliness. If you think this is a rage post then you haven't seen a rage post and thus have no grounds on which to judge this as a rage post.
    Now begone you silly troll.