V3 Holo 3.4x Scope Vanu

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by 24NoSwagWithScope7, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. 24NoSwagWithScope7

    Hello SOE. Would you dear people mind to reduce the size of the dot of this scope?

    Its really huge and not usable on range.

    Thanks for listen
  2. Erendil

    The 3.4x Holo is a POS. The lens is small. The red dot is huge. The scope's frame blocks tons of the screen. The 3.4x VMS chevron scope is plain better, even though we have little use for the chevron since most of our weapons have no bullet drop.
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  3. 24NoSwagWithScope7

    yeah dont get me wrong i like and im using the VMS (chevron) sight all the time. the thing is since im using the HDS scope. im really in love with dots over chevrons. the point is i cant equip a good one for my VS weapons since the (NS-TRscopes) arent available for VS.If we had the HDS scope then i wouldnt open such thread anyway :D
  4. sindz

    I suspect its there for a reason. Like to balance that VS 1x and 2x sight almost have no clutter around it.

    Weird way to balance it tho.
  5. cruczi

    The holo sight for TR and NS rifles though is excellent. The VS holo sight is pure garbage.

    For VS I prefer 1x reflex all the way. Why? VS iron sights are terrible, even the chevron scope (while accurate) reduces situation awareness too much, and the 1x reflex has even less clutter than 2x. For semi autos though, the 4x crosshair is ok.
  6. Paragon Exile

    I guess its to compensate for our flawless, perfect reflex sights.