Utility Pouch

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Recca, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Recca

    Will this actually let me place more mines on the floor or is just increase the carrying capacity. I don't want to spend 600 cert points only to be able to drop 3 out of 4.
  2. Blitzkrieg

    You can place the amount you can carry.
  3. Recca

    Are you 100% sure, cause 600 certs is a huge dent.
  4. Blitzkrieg

    I'm pretty sure mate (call it 95% sure), tbh it definitely works for the proximity mines, the tank mines work the same way.

    "Players may deploy as many Proximity Mine as they are certified to equip at one time. Attempting to deploy more will make the earliest one placed disappear."
  5. Recca

    That's the thing, utility pouch increases carrying capacity, it doesn't say anything about being deployed.
  6. Blitzkrieg

    All I will say is I remember during beta it working. That's all, I don't play engie much, however some of my guys use tank mines a lot and have the pouch, i've never heard them complain about it.
  7. Cavan

    We really do need some clarity on this. I'm with you Recca, I don't want to be the guy who dumped all those cert points just to prove a theory.

    Pretty sure Blitz is correct.

    My understanding though is that the "anti-tank" vs. "anti-infantry" aren't the same. With tank mines, don't you get 2 from the get go? Whereas with the anti-infantry, you have to first spend the cert points for 2 (that I can 100% confirm) and then fully cert up the utility pouch to get 3?

  8. SirBurning

    I can confirm , after buying AT mines rank 2 , that I am now able to place 3 mines. Since that is the new amount I can carry.
    So , I figure this works the same way for the pouch aswell?

    Having 3 is quite useless though, I'd rather have 4 , but the Utility pouch is so expensive. I think the first rank of the pouch for engineer should be AT mines, while it remains C4 for the other classes.
  9. Recca

    Exactly, i have 3 right now, thinking of getting the utility pouch.
  10. f0d

    yes it does

    i have both mine certifications as well as the utililty pouch up to the extra mine and i can lay 4 mines at once
  11. Recca

    Thanks for the info, me and 5 of my friends want to start setting up mine fields.