Utility Pouch Clarification

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Adinatore, Dec 13, 2013.

  1. Adinatore

    I've been thinking about certing into the utility pouch instead of nanoweave once the nanoweave refund comes around but I'm currently unsure as to how the utility pouch operates. If I max it out, am I allowed to carry all of the explosives available to the engineer class if I have them all unlocked? Or does it only allow me to carry a larger quantity of one explosive type? If it's the case that I'm allowed to carry only one type of explosive at max rank, how much of each explosive can I carry?
  2. Eyeklops

    A larger quantity of one explosive type, not counting grenades.
  3. AssaultPig

    you carry one type of explosive; the pouch provides an additive bonus to what you get from the regular explosive cert tree.

    So, at rank 1 C4, you can carry one brick of C4. With rank 1 C4 and rank 1 pouch, you can carry a total of two bricks. With rank 2 C4 and rank 1 pouch, you carry a total of three bricks. And so on. The number of things you can deploy at once is equal to the number you can carry, and the pouch increases that as well.
    • Up x 2
  4. Nogrim313

    pigs got it, i was thinking of it to but its such an expensive line just to get more of the already not too useful explosives

    the other thing to remember is how quickly you will burn through your resources when you have 4x 100res AT mines and never be able to pull a max again
  5. Ryekir

    You can only carry one type of explosive at a time, but it allows you to carry more of that item (up to 5 AT mines, 4 C4, or 3 AP mines).

    It's worth certing into, even if you're not going to be running with it all of the time because you can use the Utility Pouch to place your 5 AT mines, then switch back to nanoweave/flak and your mines will still stay.
  6. TomoB

    Shame that I need to cert it "for nothing" to get the capacity for explosives I want to carry, not caring about the others. If I want to carry more AT mines for example I have to cert worthless C4 sections in the middle etc.
  7. [HG] 9mm

    Also, it only works with tank mines and c4, if you have med kits you have to cert the amount you want to carry individually. Alternatively you can't carry more anti-personnel mines.
  8. Simferion

    The Utility pouch at the last level increases the number of AP mines.
    About medikits, they are an universal utility so you cert them for every class just once.