Utility Pouch 5

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Badname1293, Mar 13, 2015.

  1. Badname1293

    I feel like i just got ripped off. I spent 1000 certs on utility pouch 5 and still only have 5 mines!

    I had 4 + 1 mines with utility pouch 4, and now still have 4+1 mines with utility pouch 5. what the hell daybrake!
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  2. MajiinBuu

    The description states that it allows you to carry an extra proximity mine. It's always been that way :rolleyes:
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  3. Badname1293

    Perhaps you cannot add but 5 + 1 = 6.
  4. DirArtillerySupport

    Level 4 is the top rank for tank mines. Level 5 has absolutely nothing to do with tank mines. You got derped by SOE logic. Read the wiki and become even more confused.

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  5. Problem Officer

    Sounds like you'll be using the VR room often now.
    In any case this wouldn't happen if we had the old upgrades list where mousing over each rank ingame floated the descriptions.
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  6. Iridar51

    Actually, it still does so, if you mousever the "unlock" button:

    Information could have been presented better, but it's there.
  7. _itg

    The utility pouch really needs a rework. Not only is it confusing, but most people are probably looking for the ability to carry extras of just one type of explosive, and you're forced to put hundreds if not thousands of certs into dead weight upgrades to get what you want. If all I want is the ability to carry one extra AI mine, should it really cost 3100 certs? The utility pouch really should have been a 2-rank ability, each rank allowing you to carry one additional explosive of any type. Yes, that lets you carry one extra AI mine compared to the current max rank, but I don't think that's a big deal.
  8. Badname1293

    Honestly, what happened was I did discover the tomfoolery in VR a few months ago, i recalled later. However i forgot about this little bit of false advertising and had been building up certs for a while to over 2000 with not much to spend them on. I also perhaps was a bit drunk when i purchased it, however that does not give them the right to cheat me out of my damn mine and 1k certs. The excuse seeming to be that they cant properly do the description.

    I had level 4 which i payed 1k certs in itself for, saw on the description that it would increase it by 1 mine and the rest is frustrating history.

    Can anyone tell me what the hell the point of level 5 in this item is? can i even do ANYTHING that i couldn't do with level 4? how is it legal for this to be in the game and not just a blatant cert grab.
  9. Badname1293

    Ok i see above that it has nothing to do with tank mines allegedly... i swear the description did say deployable but again, alcohol.

    its stupid, but yeah i guess i can carry 1 more prox mine now so that is something. not that i ever use them on engy, more like a infiltrator thing but thats PS2./
  10. Ownasaurusrex

    ,SOE/THEYBREAKGAMES LOGIC: if it's working perfectly fine, fix that only. Last patches bugfixes were seemingly voluminous. But is that it? Great priority list gamebreak company
  11. Problem Officer

    The "unlock" mousover only floats the description of that one rank, not the others.
    On top of that, it requires enough certs ready to purchase that unlock, nothing happens on mouseover if the button is faded.
    Personally IDC and will load a wiki/guide, but for plenty of users this is enough of an inconvenience.
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  12. Iridar51

    Like I said, information should be presented better. But saying that OP could not have possibly known what he was unlocking isn't 100% right either.
  13. Acceleratio

    Oh yea... the certscreen... good old times... I will never get what kind of dope they were smoking when they decided to ditch it for that implant... "thing".
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  14. LeFitz

    I could not get the points of changing the certs screen to a less informative one. Also the new system is less intuitive plus you still have a trace of the old one in certs such as triage. I wonder how many new players miss that button and therefore miss a few abilities all together.
  15. FieldMarshall

    There is so much wrong with the pouch tooltip that i dont even know where to begin.

    First they removed the old cert screen that had detailed info on each rank before you certed into it.
    (the excuse was to make way for the amazing impants screen that everyone loves)
    Now that thats gone you have to look it up online to figure things out, because why not, who cares right.

    Secondly, its more expensive than other suit slots. But they dont tell you until you have certed into it.
    Ofcourse the poor new player looking to get into engineering dont know this and gets shafted.

    Thirdly is the wording."utility pouch lets you carry more deployables" doesent really say anything.
    And when you look at the first rank it just says you get an extra C4, thats it.
    It never says "Oh, btw if you want an aditional AP mine you have to spend over 3000 certs"

    New players really dont need to get screwed over more than they already are.
    They need to word it differently and explain to new players that there is more to it than just C4. Its way more expensive than other suit slots. And explain what each rank adds.
    Thats the minimum amount of information they have to give.