Using the VS Rocket Pods

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by abaddun, Oct 4, 2014.

  1. abaddun

    Hello, I was wondering if I could acquire advice on effectively using the VS rocket pods against both vehicles and infantry. I just can't seem to make the most out of the two shot firing pattern, and I feel that there is some trick I just can't see. More often then not, both rockets impact upon the ground next to the target, resulting in 4 or 5 pairs to kill a standard infantryman.

    I remember the days when "death by rocket pod" was a frequent thing. Now that I have them myself, I would like to take petty revenge out upon the world.
  2. patrykK1028

    Light PPA is way better in AI. You will lose AA completely, but if you equip External Afterburners, you will be able to run away
  3. Nogrim313

    i like running PPA and coyotes its my rage generating loadout
  4. abaddun

    Ok, so since the PPA outshines the rocket pods for AI work, how should I go about making to most out of them?
  5. Tatwi

    Did this thread really just happen? :D
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  6. Roland2TowerCame

    Go back in time?
  7. Ronin Oni

    Are you using Thermals?

    I don't see how you can possibly not kill people with those things.

    And PPA better? lol wat?

    Plasma Pods have higher velocity and more damage. Massive LPPA magazine is useless because the LAST thing you want to do in this game is hover in place for 20 seconds unloading an oversized Lasher. (Yes, I know that's an exaggeration and LPPA is much better than a lasher).

    I've used all 3 ESF rocket pods and AI guns a fair amount.... Scythe rocket pods are the best for inf killing, yet the PPA really isn't ideal for the platform.

    LPPA does work quite well, and considering the CERT cost difference, I'd absolutely recommend LPPA over pods as a better cert investment. One of the advantages of pods is you can defend yourself in the air with a normal nosegun... but if you're newer to the air, your best bet is ALWAYS to run and have afterburner to help get away. LPPA is also like a tenth the price I think, and really is close in effectiveness for AI alone...

    but Pods also lets you do some good damage to armor too.

    And Pods are still better at killing faster = less exposure time.

    LPPA has a lot more ammo so a lot less trips to ammo pads. You can also use it to peek-a-boo from behind distant terrain and fire relatively accurate PPA shots into a base. This is particularly frustrating for ground troops since they really can't do much about it but wait for any friendly ESF to come chase you off.

    Well, dual bursters are pretty effective at keeping you from getting any real shots in
  8. abaddun

    I have never really invested into thermal optics on my vehicles. But I will give them a try on my rocket pods.
  9. zaspacer

    Yeah, Thermals on Rocket Pods are a MUST HAVE.

    They help pick out Infantry targets, help pinpoint position of close-medium distance Infantry and Vehicles, and help to see through bad visibility conditions like excessive explosion smoke.
  10. abaddun

    I will make the investment and give that a spin.
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