Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NMdamien, Jan 10, 2016.

  1. NMdamien

    I see the stats of the Auraxiums sniper rfiles, i play with the moonshoot and i don't understand.


    (The Railjack,Rams50 ans Parallax are better than the others auraxiums sniper rifles)
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  2. Taemien

    Making the directive weapons upgrades would make the game Play to Win.

    Yes there are people here who think that's a bad thing. :rolleyes:
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  3. NMdamien

    I don t want to spend a lot of time for a BAD WEAPON (My MOONSHOT) and i don t play for lose.
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  4. Rhello

    The problem is that no one cares about the fact that ARX weapons are mostly mediocre, since they're just gimped, carbon copies of weapons that were made for a specific situation. Like you, I unlocked the Directive Sniper rifle (BigHorn 50), and I can say that it is a MB77, with more velocity/damage and time to load, but also a detection field of ******* 80 meters, that can't kill beyong 250 meters as far as I remember. This makes it a bit mediocre, althought better than some snipers rifles, since it has access to HVA, and makes shooting moving target a little bit easier. Tbh, even if it looks mediocre, it's still better than the shuriken, an armistice they miserably gimped to make it an ADS SMG for medium ranges. People consider that playing to get things (that shouldn't even be better, but on par with normal weapons) would destroy the game, and paying to get things is entirely fine. You can't do ANYTHING about it, and that's infurriating.
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  5. Taemien

    No one suggested you did.

    I'm just pointing out the resistance you might receive. Or more importantly, the motive behind it.
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  6. toast2250

    Its nice to hear that the big horn is useless and irrelevant, for me personally Its a excruciating pain to do these directives. You just saved me a lot of unpleasant gaming time.
  7. Rhello

    The only reason you'd like to unlock that weapon is for the extra 30m/s, and it's locked after a long grind, and you have to face the 80 meters detection range, and the worse cof. It's still a good weapon for mid to reasonably long range, but it's really nothing the RAMS can't do itself better with half the detection range.
  8. CNR4806

    Directive weapons are supposed to be bragging rights weapons and nothing more. The VS heat weapons are honestly an abomination in the system and should be nuked.

    Besides, if you're that good/patient to aurax 5 different weapons of the same type, why would the directive weapon being sub-par affect your ability to use it effectively?
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  9. Eternaloptimist

    I don't chase directives as they mean playing with loads of weapons I don't particularly like. But I've always assumed that directive weapons were for bragging rights rather than game advantage anyway (except the Battlegoose and other heat mechanic weapons I suppose). Like that auraxium infused armour - I think 'how impressive that guy's achievement must be' every time I gun one of them down.................
  10. ElricVIII

    Well, there is the fact that the directive weapon is a "free" 200 certs if you aurax it.
  11. TheRunDown

    I want to get my Directive weapons just so each of my classes all have Auraxim plated weapons :)

    I don't use the same weapon day in and day out, even before directives, so when Directives came out, I already had half of them done.. but there are some players out there that only use the same weapon for the last 3 years.. which I personally find very sad.
    Like players who use the Orion, Blitz and Godsaw and have over 20k-40k kills on them, while none of their other weapons have over 1000..
  12. Jubikus

    Its not a M77-B its a RAMS .50M(just a little nitpick) with very slightly more damage/velocity and slightly less 1 shot kill range its a trade off but you are right it is pretty mediocre but hay at least unlike all the other directive weapons they are perfectly balanced.
  13. ALTRego

    OP is right none of the Aurax weps should have ever been on par with the norm or purchased ones. That should be the goal. /signed.
  14. Matt0193

    It's a knock-on effect. Typically the best/better players will have Directive weapons because they've either put the time in or they've sat through the struggle of doing it. It also means that they're typically far more proficient in a given weapon class, such as LMG or ARs, and being given a better weapon in any given class when you're already proficient is pretty much a good way to stir up a bunch of complaints.

    Now, on paper that's a fine idea; You put effort in, you get a reward. Simple, right? In reality all it does is separate the good players and the bad players with yet another layer of progression where people who don't sink 3+ hours a session into the game are near enough permanently sat with weaker weapons just to give those who have the time to play for several hours at a reward due to the way the game works. A new player isn't typically not going to be sat playing one class with one weapon type all the time, they'll try a variety and most players switch classes or loadouts based on need anyway.

    The game's suffering from a lack of players as it is, do you honestly think it's a good idea to shun new players by saying "Hey, when you've sunk thousands of hours into playing a specific class or using specific weapons, you too can have an advantage over newer players". Not really, I'd imagine them going "Meh, I'll play Battlefield instead".

    Now... if they made Directives based on overall damage done through assists as well then maybe that would work.
  15. Moz

    Would be great if the Aurax weapons were in anyway better.... But they aren't, they just look shiny.

    That being said of course, a new player will get killed by said shiny weapon and think its something special....
  16. cyb_

    And then there is the VS Aurax LMG. ;)
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  17. Moz

    Every single thing is the same as the Orion except you cant affix a laser and you don't have ammo.

    Its just an Orion with no ammo....
  18. Rhello

    The thing is that auraxium weapons should be VIABLE, not overpowered like you're basically saying. The problem with people is that they can't realize, even when you show them, that auraxium weapons are just shiny but worsened copies of a weapon, which makes them quite mediocre outside of the LMGs. The rebalance they did for these 3 ARX should've been done for ALL of them, because right now, they're simply not worth the struggle. I don't want me to have an advantage over another player with the same skill level simply because I have an ARX weapon or vice versa (which is the current situation if you're not using an ARX LMG), I want to be on par with him.
  19. Pirbi

    Im not sure you want to see someone that can grind through all those weapons have something much better than those weapons. It's more like a prestige thing. The VS heat mechanic is probably the only real novel perk for an auraxium weapon.
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  20. Matt0193

    I don't disagree, I was simply pointing out the flaw in Taemien's point that giving better players better weapons isn't a solution for a dying game, it's a death knell. If anything, I'd give Directive weapons all attachments enabled so they're more useful rather than directly more powerful. Improve their utility, make them an alternative all-rounder choice rather than specialist choices and you'll probably see more people using them.
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