[Suggestion] US Flag decal incorrectly displayed on the right shoulder

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Archangelmmiii, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. Archangelmmiii

    After fighting alot of NC I've notice many NC use the US flag decal. I've also notice that the flag is incorrectly displayed on the right shoulder. It should be "backwards" or facing "forward"


    The reason is that the flag should appear as if it is an actually flag flying in the wind as the solider moves forward.

    "Army Regulation 670-1, “Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia,” updated most recently September 5, 2003, addresses explicitly the proper and lawful placement of the U.S. flag patch on the Army uniform.

    The regulation states that when authorized for application to the proper uniform the American flag patch is to be worn, right or left shoulder, so that “the star field faces forward, or to the flag’s own right. When worn in this manner, the flag is facing to the observer’s right, and gives the effect of the flag flying in the breeze as the wearer moves forward. The appropriate replica for the right shoulder sleeve is identified as the ‘reverse side flag’.”


    I'm not sure if this bothers anyone else as much as it bother me. Just thought I'd bring it up. Not sure if this also applies to other nations flag patches that are not symmetrical. I googled a few other countries uniforms and most images i found had no flag patches on the shoulders. The one i did find was China and their flag was displayed "normally" on the right should and not backwards.
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  2. TheMish

    Hey are you that NC guy who talked about that on the Crown? I remembered some guy just mentioned that, and I said I was very bothered by it.

    Just looks...off that's why it bothers me.
  3. ColonelChingles

    Part of the difficulty is that many national flags are the same either way. Russian, German, British, Indian... more or less symmetrical.

    The French flags are usually going the "normal" way, as are the Chinese. So I'd say that the American regulation is probably the unusual one.

    At any rate the US regulation should have no bearing on how flags are displayed in the year 2845, about 400 years after the US ceased to exist. The TR would have their own regulations, the NC wouldn't care, and the VS... well I guess they might 'sperg about it the most?

    If anything I think it would be funny if the flags were "tweaked", as is befitting if I gave a person a standard from 400 years ago. Maybe have some flags show up upside down. Or small design errors that were carelessly put in, like missing a stripe on the US flag or an extra star on the Chinese flag. Things that can happen if you try to create a modern reproduction of a flag that no one has used for 400 years.

    That would also be a way to get around national flag copyright laws. :p
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  4. Archangelmmiii

    Ya mish i was at the crown. Got on my NC guy to mess around after an alert and started looking at decals. ya it looks very off to me.

    @Chingles ya i guess you have a point lol. im sure all the NC wearing the US Flag say to each other "ya man there was the nation that believe in freedom like 400 years ago wouldnt it be so cool if we stuck it to the man and wore this ancient logo on our arms like badasses" not knowing US uniform codes.
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  5. Arsonix

    You want to display the American flag in a way indicative of a US army soldier. You are basically asking for special treatment. In which case I ask for the option to have it displayed upside down as an option.

    Also I find it hilarious you display a picture of General Petraeus given the disrespect he has shown to his own uniform by his own actions.
  6. Archangelmmiii

    sure arsonix an option to display decals however would be fair. as for the pic its around midnight and i just grabed the first good pic of a right shoulder patch i found.
  7. gibstorm

    The flag is correct. NC don't charge forward they quickly back away in a retreat like fashson
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  8. ColonelChingles

    Kinda reminds me how people run around using the "Molon Labe" phrase today without really understanding what it meant back when it was allegedly uttered in 500 BCE.

    Not to mention that they totally forgot what happened to the army that said that. :p
  9. TheMish

    Wait what'd he do? I don't usually pay attention to the military.
  10. y3ivan

    like the korean war?
  11. NinjaTurtle

    Maybe in the future they realized that it looks stupid backwards
  12. gigastar

    I think hes referring to the extramarital affair that effectively ended his career in the CIA.

    Or maybe the allegations that he was doctoring the reports coming out of Iraq a decade ago.

  13. maxkeiser

    I vote NO special treatment for American flag. Don't give in to the Hegemonic oppressors!
  14. Huishe

    That actually makes a lot of sense. TR needs it's USSR/Russia decal, and VS needs a japanese flag i guess, then.
  15. Wayfar

    They know about this. At least I saw a dev discussing it on... reddit or twitter. Has to do with the way they handle the art asset so not sure they can flip it.
  16. Rickenbacker

    Not sure this is solvable, if they did that, all decals would appear mirrored on the right shoulder. I don't think they'll do this on a per-case basis, so we'll just have to live with the flags the way they are.
  17. MrJengles

    Brits will also point out when their flag isn't the right way around. The difference is enough to pick up on.

    [Wales might be too busy pointing out they're not even represented on the flag ;) ]

    People take their flags too seriously IMO.
  18. \m/SLAYER\m/

    remove all non-symmetrical flags - problem solved
  19. CNR4806

    While I think that the entire notion that flags in PS2 should be displayed in the same manner that they do on RL <insert military> is stupid, there ARE other decals that could benefit from these, namely those that resemble an arrow.

    In the current state, you have no choice but to make one side of your aircraft's arrow decal point toward the front, while the other side points toward the rear. It's the exact same reason that I'm forced to ignore the quite-cool arrow decals on Ace Combat Infinity.
  20. ColonelChingles

    I think War Thunder has done the best job with this so far.


    They let you put 2-4 decals on your vehicle anywhere you wanted, and you could flip them or mirror them. Resizing them was also pretty cool.

    Adding in more options to put more decals on vehicles is good from a business perspective, because it encourages people to buy more decals! For instance right now I'm happy with only having one decal because I can only display one on my vehicle at a time. But if you let me put more on my vehicle then I'm likely to purchase more decals.
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