Ursa vs Flare?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Player13245, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Player13245

    I've been looking for a good HA weapon, and I have found that people really like the Ursa and Flare. They both have good accuracy and damage, but I'm looking for some information from players who actually use these weapons. Which one do you think is better, and why?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. tugernut

    this comes up all the time , your gonna get 500 plp say use other guns then those 2 you listed , mostly the 88 n lsw

    the topic will get way off coarse and trolled

    personally i like the flare - and id suggest to trial them both
    • Up x 1
  3. Arenthas

    Personally, I prefer the Ursa because of High Velocity, effective mid range and long range, and the nice thumping audio bass it spits out when you fire in bursts.
  4. Shanther

    Flare with Comp, Foregrip, HS/NV scope, and 3 round burst = REALLY good.
  5. Lexicon

    Ursa. Any day of the week. Higher velocity and objectively less recoil. Winner.
  6. Urgle

    The Ursa is more of a pure long-range gun, I think, while I've heard it argued -- and from my own limited experience I think the same -- the Flare can be workable at close range too.

    Personally I've wandered through most of the VS LMGs, and in the end I returned to the Orion as I just do a lot of short or short-medium range stuff, and it rocks for that.
  7. AssaultPig

    They are very similar.

    The flare has slightly better hip fire performance (slightly smaller cone, higher ROF) while the ursa performs slightly better at range (less recoil, smaller first shot multiplier, higher velocity.) Ursa reloads a bit faster. They fit all the same attachments.

    Neither is particularly great at hip fire, so you might as well go with the ursa and just swap to the orion in biolabs.
  8. Player13245

    Thanks, guys. I think I will go with the Flare, since it costs less and is better for close range.
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  9. tugernut

    Luperza uses the flare aswell - that should tell you something
  10. Rhinzual

    It tells me absolutely nothing, if you need to know.
  11. tugernut

    well then i guess you dont know who she is
  12. Negator

    The flare is trash, the Ursa is head and shoulders better.
  13. Aquilae

    Oh cmon, I prefer the Ursa but the Flare is in no way trash. they're very similar guns. the Flare is still effective at long range, but outperforms the ursa at short range / hipfiring, and costs 1/4th the price. For long range the Ursa is the better choice but for a cheaper and more all-around gun the flare is a perfectly cromulent choice.
  14. Negator

    The flare costs the same. You are thinking of the Pulsar LSW.

    The increased accuracy and sustained fire accuracy of the Ursa far outperforms the Flare up close, and dominates it at medium/long range. The Flare is 'ok' at range, 'acceptable' more like it.

    In any case, the Top 3 LMGs are the Orion, SVA88, and Pulsar LSW. Second tier is the Ursa. Bottom of the barrel is the Polaris and Flare.
  15. Rhinzual

    I've seen her stuff on YouTube, but again, I really don't care what one community rep/dev (unless they are in charge of balance/tuning) thinks of a single weapon.
  16. Bl4ckVoid

    I have used the Flare for a few weeks because of forum praise, then out of curiosity I switched back to my first-bought LSW Pulsar. Wow wow wow. LSW Pulsar is easy mode compared to Flare, because of higher ROF and lower recoil.
    In CQC high ROF makes Pulsar the winner, with FlareI was losing about 65% of 1 vs 1 CQC encounters (fairly common occurance). With the LSW Pulsar, I usually win if I am not totally caught unaware.
    In longer range fights Pulsar is more accurate (less recoil), and bullet velocity is higher. In longer range (20-70m) range 1 vs 1, I win 80% of fights with the LSW. Crazy good.

    Ursa is even slower firing than Flare, it is a long-range only weapon.

    SVA-88 has no flash supressor, so you either degrade the gun with the supressor or deal with muzzle flash interfering with aiming (esp at night).

    Orion is almost as good as LSW Pulsar, even better in CQC, but ammo capacity and lack of 2x reflex is a sore point.

    Now we have the VR sim, you should trial all guns and use whatever suits you.
  17. Bl4ckVoid

    Consider the Flare if:
    - you are really good compensating recoil
    - you are really good at making headshots (Flare has more dmg per shot)
    - you must have 3 firing modes (single, burst, auto) - LSW has none
  18. AssaultPig

    The flare's muzzle velocity (lowest of the LMGs) is a bit of a strange thing considering it seems to be trying to be a long range weapon.

    I don't really get the love for the pulsar though; it's a fine CQC/hip fire weapon, but it's got a monstrous first shot kick and that makes it a pain to use at any kind of real range. And the orion is arguably just as good in CQC situations.

    also the flare is 250 certs (500 SC) to unlock, vs 1000/700 for the ursa.

    I dunno, if you want a do-it-all gun then IMO the sva-88 is the answer. If you are comfortable with situational loadouts go with the ursa and whichever CQC/hipfire gun floats your boat (at the end of the day the pulsar LSW is only 100 certs, after all.)
  19. VanuSovereignty

    No. The Flare costs 250 certs. It's fire rate also makes a difference up close.
  20. Negator

    So it is. I still think everything else is better then it. Mostly cuz it jerks around so hard all over the place