Upcoming Patch: Magrider Nerfed, Vanguard & Prowler Buffed!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by bluEyedillusions, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. Bill Hicks

    the weakest armor? not much at all. the ability to dodge so well needs to be balanced be even weaker armor. the ability to move as a unit of magriders while other tanks bump into each other needs a armor nerf. the ability to scale hills with ease needs an armor nerf
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  2. Intolerant

    The magrider nerfs hardly matter at all. But seriously, 25% to 20% damage on the prowler in one patch? What are they smoking? (And can I have some?)
  3. PaperPlanes

    Good, hopefully they leave the Magrider the **** alone now. They did it in a stupid as hell way by ruining the only real benefit of rival combat chassis, but whatever, they probably won't take another look at the Magrider for a long, long, long time now.

    I love how they didn't really address the fact that lolpods can take out every MBT in the game with a single magazine, though. Or that the 100 cert Tankbuster can obliterate all MBTs in about 2 seconds flat while doing a nosedive that you can't even aim your cannon at. So one of the biggest issues in the game for MBTs, which is air just running around hunting them easier than infantry, is still active, and we got a bunch of buffs and nerfs that nobody really wanted.

    I think the only people happy about this are TR getting an absurdly large damage increase which now makes the Prowler the best tank in the game without question. If they were seeking balance, they sure as hell didn't find it.
  4. Kize

    Oh trust me I know how to play. It's just a fact. Even if they finally bring the Magrider to 'fairness' you really have to think.

    1.7 > .7 > .6 or whatever it is multiplied per day... even if it was what? Lets go with 1700 Mag tank kills per day to 700 VG to 600 Prowler... then you have to assume something very close for infantry kills although I would actually guestimate far more... now times that times 30 now times 3... yeah 700 cert per person is not asking a lot. If it were up to me in a truly fair world I would counter nerf for an equal amount of time to bring the statistics back into alignment for the other 2 races then make them balanced.... buuut since that won't happen the next best thing is to remove every cert every mag pilot ever earned and possibly penalize them for abusing a broken tank.

    Not sure how me arguing for fairness has anything to do with how I play the game but clearly you're an idiot... secondly calling a guy 'baby' is pretty disturbing.
  5. PaperPlanes

    They did nerf the ability to scale hills, fool. Read. They removed the hover power from rival combat chassis, that was the hill climbing in a nutshell.

    And I've said this about 100 times, if you can't hit a Magrider strafing at 20 KPH, you need to get more skilled. That's the maximum strafe speed with a fully certed rival combat chassis. It comes to a complete stop before changing strafe direction. How bad are your eyes and reaction times, dude? It's not like you're trying to shoot The Flash.
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  6. Kalmageddon

    I'm going to say this again.
    The hovering ability granted by the Rival Combat Chassis was never a buff. It made navigating terrain a bit easier but unless you wanted to get swamped in obstacles it rarely came into play. What did came into play was the fact that it greatly destabilized the magrider, making it prone to flipping over when using the magburner over irregular terrain.

    To everyone cheering for the magrider getting nerfed: you are delusional. It's not a nerf, nothing has changed and quite frankly I'm glad that I don't have to deal with a rocking boat effect every time I jumped from a hill.

    To everyone whining that the Magrider won't hover so much after the patch: you are complaining for the sake of complaining. We never needed the added hovering ability. See above points. Unless they give our magriders tank threads we have nothing to worry about, we will still be able to move over most obstacles and reach places other tanks can only dream.
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  7. Goldoche429

    You forget that the prowler has to aim 2 shots instead of one in order to reach its potential in DPS, it's extremely difficult to do. The buff is justified, look at the stats provided by Higby:

    "Picking a random day from last month, the effective KD of MBTs vs. other MBTs across about 10k tank vs tank fights was:
    Magrider: 1.71 Vanguard: 0.87 Prowler: 0.63"

  8. Xaturas

    The only thing I'm thinking now is that my lightning will get a little bit more useless in flanking prowlers ^^. Just hope they will buff it in future to, a little bit more track stability or something, or 5-10% dmg increase of heat.
  9. Bill Hicks

    pretty easy to dodge my slow moving rocket and you must not be a good mag driver cus pros know to dodge at the last second.
  10. Sedisp

    Its now as fast as the Pre nerf HRB with no fire delay, greater splash damage and better front loaded damage.

    So basically it's now better than the weapon the NC was demanding nerfs. Try not to have a panic attack when the pendulum swings back.
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  11. Intolerant

    Every prowler driver pulls HE shells. It shouldn't be surprising that a zerg of HE tanks loses disproportionately to a zerg of AP and HEAT tanks. Sure, the fact that all prowler drivers pull HE is indicative of a problem (or several) but 25% damage in a single patch is absurd. Whatever happened to small incremental balance changes?

    As a bit of perspective, I was of the opinion that the prowler needed a DPS buff. Due to its method of firing and theme it should absolutely be the highest DPS tank in the game, disregarding lockdown. This is way too much, though, and I will not be surprised a few months down the road when they get tuned back down.
  12. W0rthy

    Well atleast they had common sense enough not to nerf the magriders armor. All this magrider dodges everything fairytales are such ********, you have to be a really good mag driver to do that, not to mention fully certed in chassis aswell as using magburst taps whilst forward strafing to dodge on a decent basis (there's a cooldown on that, so you have to hide shortly after), unless the infantry is decent in which case you're going to get hit

    And to take down prowlers somewhat successfully you need the anti armor primary which costs 1000 cert. Go ahead and go up against a prowler and dodge the double barrel, now reduce magriders 10% armor upgrade, and the usual 30+ mass prowlers would become unstoppable. Oh yeah try being in a mag and getting chased by a prowler that actually follows you as you magburst away, and catches up to you whilst it's on cooldown. Fun times..

    And with these changes i already see VS having to switch to double rocket maxes and running with huge LA/HA crews to take down zerg prowlers. Why? because magriders excel against infantry where dumb rockets can be dodged with rival chassis 3, but are the worst tank busters of the factions..

    I'm sure the Metagaming TR outfits that have been spewing rubbish on the forums are clapping their hands right now, and the ignoramouses that thought mag's were OP are probably going to say that they just have more skill than the mag users.

    I'm a HA player and i only get in a mag to defend against mass prowlers, or insane amounts of infantry (2-1 platoon scenarios), and eventhough i'm almost fully certed in mag, i know exactly how powerful prowlers are, so don't chalk this down to a whining magrider only player.
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  13. Sedisp

    People still use dumbfire rocket launchers?
  14. MrLorgy

    *Smack* Read the thread before you comment oh Wize Vanu overlord

    K/D ratio for MBT vs MBT

    Magrider: 1.71 Vanguard: 0.87 Prowler: 0.63

    Source: http://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/17n43c/update_02_mbt_changes_via_mhigby/c871z4x
  15. Moerin

    According to the stat's the mag is OP, but it's not the whole story, it has an advantage yes, but it's not op (in my oppinion)

    think the low (0.6) kd is more cause when they bugged out the traction it made the tank move ever so slightly when it's not on flat terrain, and with the inablility to fire on the move it compunds the problem, to hit both shot's we need to

    -Stand still
    -compensate for offcenter turret(and even more so for second shot) cant rely on crosshair
    -compensate for recoil(second shot)
    -calculate drop
    -move the mouse back all the time(as the tank slowly turn's)

    Then we need to guess where the mag will be as most will strafe all the time and as it can move in 8 direction's, it's quite hard sometimes.

    the Magrider need to

    -calculate drop

    guess where the prowler/vanguard will be, a little easier as it only move's forward or back.
  16. Wobberjockey

    that is only true if you score hits on the tanks rear armor.

    i can tell you from experience that if you hit the side, front or top armor, even a stock tank will survive
  17. Wobberjockey

    you'll notice that he also said that the stats are from an arbitrary day, which means that it is in no way indicative of ANYTHING.

    it could be a minimum, a maximum, or somewhere in between. We don't know enough to draw any conclusions except for the day that stat was recorded.
  18. Compass

    Assuming they don't fire the nose gun. If they do, RIP.
  19. Compass

    I account for 5 of those Magrider kills. My platoon counts for 24 of the Prowler deaths. I got blown up by a Lib.
  20. MrLorgy

    This is everyday fact for the two other factions, so keep clining to the tiny chance that these stats are actually BS.

    From these points we can then draw a conclusion using a MAGICAL RARE TALENT, called common sense, that infact, the magrider is OP tank vs tank.