[Suggestion] Unlock all implants permanently and for free

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Campagne, May 22, 2018.

  1. tommyrocket

    150 hp/sec with carapace. It is noticeably slower with no carapace. Seriously buddy, go test it in VR, as it's free to do so.
  2. Prudentia

    hm seems like i gotta apologize. it indeed only takes ~6 seconds to regen 991 HP and 6~7 seconds to heal 491 HP. thats quite interesting.
  3. Twin Suns

    *laughs* Even if you get those free implants, you're still gonna die, die, die, die.

    Then what are you gonna ask them to change for you next? *laughs*

    Even if they move the sun and stars for you. *laughs* You'll still.....die, die, die, die.

    At what point will it stop. When we're all running around trying to tickle each other with a feather????????
  4. Prudentia

    usually during christmas and thanksgiving
    • Up x 1
  5. Vancerman2

    The devs force you to grind. Its a ****** thing to do. Its just one of those things you "gotta do" it makes planetside 2 feel like a job instead of a game. I came here to play a game, not work at it. Come on.