[Suggestion] Unlearning certs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by badname123, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. badname123

    I've wasted allot of certs on junk only to find it doesn't work for me. Like recently i spent over 600 certs on the Trac-5 AMC trying to make the gun work for me. it fails.

    I would very much like the option to re spec my character. Perhaps for a fee in station cash?
  2. Roobarb

    It's being talked about apparently.

    Although I have to say, if you're struggling with a gun at base level, then no amount of certing will improve it (sometimes the add-ons make the darn things worse).

    And you're talking about the T5 AMC? That's a great gun! Definitely my favourite carbine.
  3. Schenck

    Maybe SOE can allow a 50% cert refund for cert-bought weapons, but I wouldn't make it 100% or generally allow wholesale cert respeccing. If players improve certain aspects of their gear and skills, that should be something that goes along with their personal experience and proficency in those aspects. They should really be forced to think twice about whether they really want to commit the last 500 or 1000 points in the final tier of something. I'd absolutely hate to meet a Prowler pilot who's got a fully-certed tank and couldn't hit a barn with it.
  4. a puppy

    Same here. Since certs already take FOREVER especially for someone like me who can't fight in battles because of terrible frames unless just repairing bases out in the middle of nowhere; with weapons you can just do a trial each day for stuff you think you want, but for the one's that don't allow trialing, or small attachments that don't allow see / try before you buy sort of things, makes you just avoid them all together in favor of such you DO know work since allow trialing them first hand before purchase. Everything needs a trial feature in this game unless they decide to up the cert gain to double xp weekend being the standard xp in general, because you just feel ripped off and all your time wasted for how expensive things are in relation to the time it took just to get up to being able to unlock such items.
  5. Kurreah

    Initially I think that the idea was that since there are no caps or diminishing returns, you could simply earn more certs rather than respeccing.

    As to that particular case? Guns are very personal things and you can find that some just work or don't work for you no matter what the actual stats say. I'm guessing that you previewed it first and that the attachmet didn't change it as much as you had hoped?
  6. Monnor

    This is not a mmo. You buy a upgrade, you have it, end of story.
  7. kasgun

    I think monnor means rpg, since this is an mmo
  8. xWolpertinger

    You might want to look up the meaning of that word.
    In the original PS you also could recert rather freely although the SC purchases certainly will make this more complicated.
  9. Segaia

    250 certs back for 500 SC. For desperate people only pls.
  10. Monnor

    Its a mmofps, well we cant say anymore mmorpg, cause there is no rpg anymore in those games.
    While mmorpgs have limited points for their skill trees , certs are endless, you will sometimes have more then you need. So respec certs would be dumb .
  11. badname123

    No i do not have trouble i get so many kills i run out of ammo.
  12. Mercadion

    Im not sure why everyone is having so many problems with certs. Dont get me wrong, Im not swimming in them. I also dont play zerg tactics, nor do I go behind enemy lines and gank empty bases. But be patient and find the right niche for you and they start rolling in. I have days where I play for 2-3 hours and can barely get 5. But then I have days like this morning where I got 30 in 45 mins.

    I dont buy the fps excuse either, Im lucky if I get 10 fps In a larger battle, I rarely get the full on kill unless I can get far enough back to use my 6x, but I at least get 5-10 creds in a balanced fight an hour by just assisting and using guided rockets on tanks. I also die a LOT. But just for kicks I took my laptop to work where I could reliably get between 40-50 fps and I did no better or worse, enemy still blipped around a lil, things still disappeared off and on. Im truly just wondering if people expect to be able to buy a 500 cred weapon in a day.
  13. Roobarb

    It's hardly a fail if it's working well kill-wise, and your problem is simply the fact that you're running out of ammo.

    I know the TR way is "till it goes click" and all, but you can let go of the trigger sometimes! ;)
  14. Wibin

    Certs are not hard to get.

    While I'd like the chance to do it to fix some dumb purchases because I didn't realize they wouldn't' stack, I can deal with it in the long run as easy as they are to get.

    Finding the Niche is important.

    Some days I can gun down anyone standing in my way (at 5fps) and other days I cannot hit anything at 30fps (not a big battle).

    Though lately I cannot run anyone over with a tank.. WTF is this sony? Are you going to pull this again?
  15. Mercadion

    You know Ive noticed that tank thing also, I can run my own team down just fine when they jump out in front of me and the enemy can run me over flatter than a pancake. But I cant hit them no matter how hard I try....and Im twisted enough I love maken em go splat lol. Ive been known to chase them into a whole other tile just to run em down. Carmageddon style if anyone is old enough to remember that game > )