[Suggestion] Undo the bio lab pad changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PaladinZERO, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. PaladinZERO

    OK, they were kill zones, but if the enemy had defense on the pads, you could cap one of the bases with a tube into the bio lab, or hit the other pad, call in air support to clear it, there were a lot of options.

    Now, more cover for attacks have been added to the pads. Please remove it. If people are dumb enough to mass change over open terrain, they deserve to be farmed for certs. They are landing pads, who in their right mind would clutter them up with cover?
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  2. Jex =TE=

    Oh come on, the entire map needs to be redone as far as bases go.

    Thing is, SOE had a great opportunity at the start to put in a load of different bases to see how they played out and which ones the players favoured. Hardly any point have 36sq km of map if 80% of it are only used for ghost capping.
  3. Choppstick

    BTW I thought the Pads were for AIRCRAFT. Now there so dam cluttered good luck trying to land on them with said aircraft... Also can you guys use something other than planter boxes for cover on the inside?? What is this a home depot or something.
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  4. Gammit

    Nope, love the change.
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  5. TintaBux

    Good change. Use teleporter.
  6. PaladinZERO

    Of course a NC would love the change, closer engagement ranges for their OP MAX.
  7. Grayser

    Yes its our agenda, every NC in the game secretly works towards more CQB environments due to our max.

    Damn you got us.
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  8. Choppstick

    Tell you what. We'll give up our max shotguns for rail guns or something that can hit people at med to long range. Also you know what just nerf ALL shotguns in game to useless poses and turn the jackhammer into somekinda railgun and we'll call it good. That work for you guys?
  9. QuantumMechanic

    I understand that SOE wants to give attackers more cover, but I agree. The implementation is kind of silly - why the heck would somebody build a base that purposefully has cover for ATTACKERS? It just doesn't look right.
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  10. Diamond Sword

    The changes to the pads on the biolabs haven't drastically changed those dynamics. It's just harder to sit on or near the pad in a lib/ESF and attack inside the dome now.

    Where the walls have been added, there was cover there previously, but was like trying to hide behind swiss cheese. Lots of little spaces to shoot through. Now they are tall, solid walls with jump pads on the top instead of assorted crates and silo things.
  11. Choppstick

    Fair enough. But the planter boxes??? Isnt this a war zone?
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  12. Diamond Sword

    We are talking about biolabs here. The whole inside of the dome is like a giant planter. :p
  13. Hosp

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  14. rockman202

    Why have any base be so easily accessible to air? Why not make all of them a dome, with just a little circle at the top that is easily guarded, but let allied air go through? Why put the generator to the shield, outside of the shield where the enemy can reach is so easily? Make it a little bit harder, put it inside of the shield, right next to the spawns with a long tunnel leading into it.
    This game is not built upon logical base defenses.
  15. Gammit

    LOL, I almost always run as HA or medic. QQ more.
  16. Imnuktam

    The worst part about the changes is the fact that planes need to land there and at times more than one. Cluttering that pad up with cover that you would for some reason build for attackers is bizzare and annoying at times. Desolate servers not such a big deal, high pop server and you are waiting in a line to land because half the pad is used up already.

    What biolabs really need is a giant shielded door that doesnt allow vehicle fire (libs, esf's , tanks etc) through. I dont really care about small soldiers, those are fun fights, but as the one place in the game you are able to kind of escape vehicle spam I really wish they werent able to spam inside the base to farm.

    This game needs more places where vehicles dont farm infantry so you can get some good battles on foot in.
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  17. Daioh

    i like the change, you can lock down a biolab pretty efficiently before the implantation, now its just that much harder to lock it down

    besides, those lunch pads are used for moving cargo as well as people , so having Planterboxes stacked in a solid row isn't that far out of the imagination.
  18. GraphicJ

    Hardly an issue guys. There's other pressing matters out there that should be answered first... like do boobies look better with pink bras or red bras? Ya know'
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  19. Apples

    One word: "Biodome."
  20. Zaik

    I'm okay with it, all that cluttered *** junk on the pad is making it a LOT harder for aircraft to shoot inside.