Understanding The Mindset of the Cheater/Hacker.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kameho, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. Kameho

    Let us take a look into the human mind behind one who resorts to Cheating / Hacking.

    I dont even.
  2. Flarestar

    Some people just want to watch the world burn~
  3. Isila

    Was there supposed to be a video link or something?

    Anyway, there are two kinds of cheaters in online games: People who cheat to win, and people who cheat to troll. Solving the latter is easy if you keep your servers staffed with watchful personnel that kick/ban people that are cheating to troll (as they are obvious). Solving the former is more difficult because they're usually subtle about it, using things like slight CoF/RoF tweaks to give themselves an edge without being as obvious as an aimbot.
  4. Compass

    Sucks without the video.

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  5. MaxDamage

    *install hacks*

    I imagine after all the PMs they get, they'll end up feeling like they're in telemarketing and want to kill themselves after a couple of hours of being told what a waste of space they are.

    Whatever attention they're looking for, it's not what they get.

    You have to be a loser to use these things; or a hired hand from a rival brand.
  6. Banick

    It's not to get uber KD or anything. They know, that we know they hack. They also know, that we know, that they know, that we know.

    They usually do it out of boredom or because it is included in a hack pack they purchase from the associated website. In most cases, Artificial Aiming (aka AA). Some seem to indicate they even love hacking, like it somehow improve the game for them.

    From a subconscious stand point, this indicates that they do, deep down want to be good at the game and kill a lot of people or have an advantage over their foes. Those ones do secretly want the KD ratio to relieve their inadequacies where their actual skill level doesn't reach the level they particularly want.

    But in general, they just troll for the lulz. Particularly considering this game is free to play. I'm sure by now they've figured out to create a smurf Steam account so it doesn't matter if they get caught in a F2P PS2 account or if both are banned. They still have access to the hacks.

    It's just a pity they're willing to financially support hacks as opposed to the game itself. That's my thoughts anyway.
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  7. ThinkSammich


    which quickly turns into hilarity
  8. Loegi

    Most hackers probably hack because of the reactions. Seriously, I doubt they don't like seeing millions of threads about this on the forums etc. Thought this was common knowledge.

    I don't think a lot of hackers hack to get better stats. I'd think it's too risky. Even if the banrate would be low, one ban and all your stats would be gone. Given that they apparently care that much about stats, I don't think it would be logical.
  9. Badname3073

    My guess is that hackers are mostly people who take computer games a little too seriously, as if what happens in a computer game is a part of their reality. Usually, people get into unfair play (and the hassle associated with it) in order to pursue goals which would realistically benefit them. Therefore, when someone pays money to cheat in an F2P computer game, logic would tell us they are not playing it, but rather living it.
  10. NC_agent00kevin

    Actually, The Crwon ALWAYS has strategic value - even if you are NC and completely surrounded by TR or VS or even both.

    That is because it is a major intersecting tile for Indar. It is more disruptive to operations for any faction when a third faction who has no adjacent tiles still controls it. It is a gateway to the rest of the map unless you want to slog through the outer edges of the map to swing all the way around and hit your targets - which requires a complete re-planning of any organized assault as well as a plain ol Zerg.

    But back on topic -

    Some Haxors do it to troll because the like to hear the opposition complain, some do it to feel powerful, and others do it simply because...they want to.
  11. WarTourist

    They do it for acknowledgement they exist (something many don't get IRL) and to cause you to freak out, ideally on a microphone, but on forums works just as well.
  12. HadesR

    Because even window lickers need a break ?
  13. MrHenderson

    We are seeing two completely different types right now.

    A. the failhard- players who use aimbots/wallhacks and such...these fall under 2 subcategories: 1. the blatant/obvious ones who don't care if everyone knows they're cheating, and 2. the pathetic ones who are cautious about how they use them, hoping to achieve internet greatness since nothing else in their lives amounts to dick.

    B. the F U SOE griefers. This is more recent, a lot more sophisticated in nature, and is clearly being done to humiliate SOE and drive away PS2's playerbase. Given how many times Sony in general has been targeted by well known hacker groups in the past few years (PSN, SOE security breaches), my guess is this crop belongs to the lulsec family; I highly doubt anyone is profiting off a cheat that lets you wreak havoc in the warpgates. No, this is being done out of spite. And given who is probably behind it, these will be a lot harder for the code monkeys to fix.
  14. Zorlox

    as mentioned in post above, pretty much the reasons to do it, though you should add that plenty do it just to grief other gamers. A small minority actually think they won't get banned and do it for the advantage but those never last long and are usually the first ones to get banned.
    quite a few of them do it just to get this kind of reaction out of people. And 99% of cheaters aren't hackers, stop complimenting their intellect :)
  15. HadesR

    Ofc if you ask them ... Those that just use other's hacks rather than the few who programe them, they will say it's to troll or to make people rage .. but ofc they would, because no one likes to admit they suck at games.

    Surprised Lance Armstrong didn't go on Oprah and say " I'm not a cheat I TROLLED you all " :p
  16. DoctorWhose

    Simply for their own enjoyment. They dont care about the enjoyment of others, they just freak out when they ruin everyones day and get plenty of attention on the forums as well.

    Some hackers might even have "noble" intentions, as in "I hack now so people see how terrible this game is."
    This might be especially applicable for PS2, as people already want the 25th UES to be hacked so SOE gets publicly embarrassed so they finally fix their game.

    the mindset of a hacker is simple. attention ***** + entitlement kid = hacker.
  18. Bambolero

    I agree that there are two types.

    One is the frustrated teen that fails at everything so needs something to win at to feel better about himself even if it's through cheating.

    The other is the griefer that only gets his high when he sees others suffer.
    This is a way worse condition then just being a frustrated youngster.
    It's a sociopath/psychopath in the making.
    I wouldn't even ban those and let me explain why.
    I rather see them vent their bottled anger in a video game then see them snap and start kicking dogs and cats or even worse, go on a shooting spree in the local high school...
    So I say, don't ban the sociopath hackers, for greater good.
  19. Cygnus

    I can imagine it would be fun for about 30 minutes. Probably the same reason people use infinite health cheats or the rare candy trick in pokemon.
  20. Purg

    Seriously? Have you seen the path to the North of the Crown you have to traverse? There's no reason you'd drive through the middle of the Crown to get anywhere other than to the Crown.