Underslung Genade Launcher: No Damage?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Maer, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. Maer

    First of all, I need to preface this with the following:

    I play this game way too much. I might not be one of the top worldwide, but I am one of the top on Jaegar at BR32. I play medic primarily, and I have unlocked the revive grenades. To anyone who says they're too hard to use, try harder.

    In lieu of not having my normal grenades however, I opted to attach an underslung grenade launcher to my Equinox. I can say that after learning to use it, it is a vital part of surviving clutch situations and providing explosive power lost by the lack of frag grenades.

    Unfortunately, one in ten people or so is completely immune to the damage. It just doesn't inflict damage. It hurts me just fine, and I see an explosion completely engulf the enemy, but it doesn't inflict damage to them. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING MORE FRUSTRATING than being the last one alive in the squad, completely capable and ready to survive the fight, revive everyone and take a base.. but your enemy is invulnerable. It happens with bullets too, but no where near as often. You have plenty of bullets to deal with one or two frames of invincibility lag per minute, but just two grenade launcher shots. It also fires ghost shots if fired too soon after switching to it, consuming ammo and triggering reload, without exploding. Similar to spawn beacons disappearing when placed in green and moving slightly to an unplaceable location.

    Has anyone else experienced this? Has anything been said about resolving it?
    • Up x 2
  2. Ehvolus

    Ya I pretty much do the same thing. Unfortunatly I two have expereienced this but do not know if it is simply the class such as a heavy using its shields or if a medic is healing the person i am shooting at. I do find however the blast radius on the thing sucks. I need to hit the person dead on in order to do any kind of damage it sucks in the use of a gernade.

    I am also expereincing a werid but where I will go pick up ammo to replenish the gernades I used from a ammo box on the ground however only sometimes I actualy get the grenade shells back and other times I dont.... its very werid and annoying.
  3. Dornez

    My experience with the Under barrel grenades. Your target needs to be at least 15 meters away. For any dmg to occur. Anytime you get a resupply from an eng ammo pack your grenades will do 0 dmg after the initial 2 until you log out.

    I have reported this EVERY patch during beta since they were implemented and THEY ARE STILL BROKEN
  4. Fenric

    This is good to know. I hope it gets fixed soon.

    I got the underslung launcher on a carbine for my engineer and light assault. The first thing I did when I unlocked it, was see if I could resupply the grenades with my ammo pack. When I tried it at the warpgate, it worked. However, the vast majority of the time (as in nearly every time I try) I can't get grenades from my own ammo pack. Sometimes I can if I find an ammo pack someone else dropped.

    Underslung grenades having a minimum arming range before they will explode, or to do full damage, could be understandable. I have shot it point blank and killed myself though so I don't think this is always true.
  5. Lightwolf

    Underslung grenades just need work. Thats the short story. ALL underslung attachments do, if they still behave like they did in beta.
    When they work, its great, you're bringing allot of extra oomph to the table. But it seems like they actually WORK once in thirty times.
  6. Maer

    Exactly. I'm not asking for anything other than consistency.

    And most of the time I use it, it's within 10m of me. (Those darn NC weapons hurt CQ, need to even up the playing field)
  7. Ashur

    Was bugged like hell in beta, never really tested or fixed much, still probably bugged like hell. Just give it a while, the game was rushed for release so half of the nifty expensive stuff doesn't work at all.
  8. Purple

    i also get this occasionally. i think it happens more when it hits a wall behind the parson im trying to kill but it also happens in any other situation.
  9. Maer

    Proceeding to bump this every time it happens until there's some confirmation of a fix or acknowledgement of the issue. BUMP.
  10. Maer

  11. Maer

  12. Maer

    Bump x3
  13. Maer

  14. Maer

    bump.. happens a lot when I'm jumping.
  15. eXhale

    Encountered this several times since recently unlocking this as well. Did some quick testing with help from an outfit member, and found that direct hits to the target with the Grenade did zero damage, but registered a hit marker AND displayed the explosion. If I was standing next to him, the explosion would injure/kill me depending on how close I was. Grenades which impacted with the ground or walls near the target would trigger the explosion and damage normally.

    My guess is that the devs tried to keep Grenade Launchers similar to those found in other games (namely CoD, I can't recall if Battlefield had them, it's been a while) where there is a minimum distance that the projectile has to travel before being "active" and causing an explosion. Somewhere in there though something is definitely messed up, as a direct hit even with just the projectile should do some damage, if even not the full amount (and it certainly shouldn't be displaying an explosion that doesn't actually do anything except to the person who launched it).
  16. Maderas

    It seems to fail more during large battles, I've noticed. Though that could be because there's more ammo boxes around.
  17. BuzWeaverPS2

    I picked up the Guass S for the Underbarrel capability as I thought it would be nice to have yet another tool in the Medic arsenal. Sorry to hear you guys are having issues with it. I've not unlocked anything with the gun as I've just picked it up. Another option I was considering was Smoke. My only reference is using Smoke in BF3, have you guys used it for Smoke in PS2?

    I'm hoping the grenade issue will be addressed soon.
  18. BuzWeaverPS2

    I believe in BF3 the Grenades are Proximity versus direct hits. I've not looked to see if PS2 has Frag Rounds, but in BF3 Frag Rounds worked best if you shot at the soldiers feet or near proximity than direct Body Shots.
  19. Manhattan

    It's buggy as hell, and needs to be fixed.
  20. Aaralyn

    Mine stopped doing damage as soon as I equipped High Velocity Ammo.