Underbarrel Attachments

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by ladiesop, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. ladiesop

    I think after the nerf to explosives, the grenade launcher is not as good as before. But what of the shotgun underbarrel? What are the properties? in VR training, it seemed to one-shot within a certain range. Does anyone know how many pellets it fires?

    Another possibility is smoke launcher.

    What do people think is good post GU4, or should I drop my "S" weapon for a normal carbine now?
  2. Thaccus

    The greatest advantage I have found in the underbarrel Is that it does minor amounts of damage to vehicles. Hitting a sundy with a couple UBG shots before you C4 it makes the thing die outright. This is important to me and is the reason I will be keeping my S class weapon.

    Also, Maxes don't like UBG shots :)
  3. ladiesop

    Hmm, are they bugged? I seemed to have two launchers on at the same time when I last logged in.
  4. Parricidium

    I haven't done much with the shotgun, but the smoke launcher is problematic because smoke in it's current incarnation has too much troubles with it. I use the GL because it's like having another weapon, nerf or no.
  5. Iridar51

    Smoke is situational. I use the smoke launcher on my medic to cover myself rezzing people in open field. It's harder to use now, when launchers have minimum range.
  6. ladiesop

    Ok, the double attachment bug seems to be gone today.

    I am liking the underbarrel shotgun as I'm using it, but I am wary that I've lost the sunderer killing power even though I only really used the grenade launcher once to kill a sunderer.
  7. Flaimbot

    is it just me or was the UBGL nerfed heavily?
    i've been used to launch a grenade at the feet of my opponent and they died, but now i don't seem to do enough damage even when hitting them right in the face.

    (fyi: slightly exaggereated)
  8. Iridar51

    By any chance have you been using UBGL at very close range? Grenade doesn't explode unless it travels a distance of 20-30 meters.
  9. vulkkan

    The UB shottie is a OHK weapon. It's handy if your S- series sep is kitted for long range. Smoke is mostly useless. UBGL is heavily nerfed now, so it's much more limited in its effectiveness now.
  10. Flaimbot

    i know that it takes a few meteres before the grenade is active and i'm certain it has travelled a far enough distance, yet the damage felt so incredibly weak compared to before the update.
  11. VKhaun

    Shotgun for when you set your weapon up for long range, like if you put a 3.4 or 4.0 scope on it and HV ammo + Compensator. Then if you have to go indoors you can bring the shotgun up right before tight corners.

    Smoke for using with the HSNV and either a flash hider or a silencer, and you may as well throw in HV ammo. Throw down the smoke so people can't see you, bring up ADS with the HSNV so you can see them. Take easy kills. Good for assaulting areas where there are lots of enemies, just don't wait for the launcher to reload. The smoke is short lived so lauch the nade and immediately go back to the gun and hit ADS. Your sights will come up just as the gas goes out and you'll have full use of it.
    Also useful for helping your team cross open ground in front of lots of enemy fire. Just lob smoke at whatever is shooting your friends. Vehicles, windows, doorways, spaces between buildings, force fields on a spawn shed enemies are shooting out of, whatever. The farther away the better, because fewer enemies will be using HSNV. Snipers for example almost never have anything but 8x-12x scopes on and are totally crippled by smoke.

    Underbarrel grenade launcher is for sunderer hunting. Two C4 + the nades will destroy a Sunderer from full condition. Suggested method would be to plant the C4 and then shoot the grenades before detonating it, that way people don't ever notice it's seriously hurt. They see it take two small hits then KA-BOOM or even faster than that if your nade hits the C4 and sets it off.
  12. ladiesop

    I've started using the grenade launcher again, just to take out the sunderers, but I've also been doing better in a live situation than on VR against infantry.

    I think they become easier to 'aim' and get on target when shooting from up above to enemies down below as you just need to measure to drop it at their feet rather than shooting it up and dropping down. There are also generally more semi-hurt people that the splash takes out, or other people to finish them off too.
  13. blzbug

    UBGL does 625 direct damage to vehicles, if I remember correctly. It is great for chasing down a flaming tank that is running back for repairs. Send the UBGL over and put them out of their misery :) Drifters are especially handy for this (and many other situations).
  14. AssaultPig

    In the VR in-flight grenades just pass through infantry. In the wild body shots detonate the grenade (assuming you were far enough away for it to fuse.)
  15. ladiesop

    That must be why they worked better for me in game than in VR.