Underbarel Shotgun

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Sapare, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. Pat22

    Not half magazine, one round. One really big shell.
    Nope, the shotgun always works, though it is affected sometimes by the ammo pack bug, it will never NOT do damage unless you miss your target.
    Within 5 meters, it's pretty much an insta-kill on anything.
    5-10 meters has a high chance to kill or severely wound your target.
    15 meters and higher really you've just run out of carbine ammo and are hoping the buckshot will finish off your target.
  2. {joer

    Oh I thought it was 5 shots, well then damn, no wonder not many use it. It would have to be a one shot BFG for me to think about that sort of thing.
  3. Kronic

    I was thinking if buying it with my Auraxium medial I'll get for my Trac-5S any day now. I just hope it's not another useless upgrade like so many others in this game.
  4. Pat22

    It's a one shot kill, but still one shot, yeah. If you miss it, you're in trouble.
    It is excellent in close quarters or for hit-and-runs ( pop in, BLAM, pop out ), a point blank headshot will kill a heavy even through his overshield. The trick is learning not to miss with it, which will happen a lot at the beginning.

    I don't even miss my grenade launcher, except when there's a vehicle about to die and I'm out of explosives.
  5. Kronic

    Good to hear. Funny thing is I don't really use the Trac-5s as I like the LC2 Lynx more due to it's CQC capabilites so I should enjoy the shotgun. Thanks for the info.
  6. Talizzar

    The shotty's are great a close range. It never fails if I chose the shotty with slugs, the battle will be all close where the slugs are useless, I choose normal shotty ammo the battle will be at range.

    One shot is not worth it. I would rather shoot smoke or a nade. The Trac 5 kills just fine as a carbine. The Jag is better but does not have the utility. There is give and take with all the guns.
  7. CombatScholar

    I started messing around with the underbarrel shotgun on my Solstice SF and I'm really enjoying it so far! In full disclosure, I have a close range version with soft point ammo, 1x scope (NV at night) and the shotgun and a more medium range variant that's got high velocity ammo, 3.4x scope and grenade launcher. OK and a flash suppressor on each but that doesn't matter much.

    I love the grenades but they don't work well in close situations because they don't seem to hurt enemies if they're too close so I was losing a lot of silly fights because people were inside of that arming range. Needless to say, the shotgun rocks in those ranges! I use engineer a lot and when trying to keep a low profile and move through buildings to get to a damaged generator that needs a quick fix, those turn the corner and ohmygoshlookabadguyaaahhh! situations come up often enough and for those, the shotty's a thing of beauty: open with that and finish with some auto from the carbine or a quick stab if needed. With light assault, I like to break into buildings through upper windows or roof access to catch the inhabitants off gaurd and it's the same thing: a strong opener for a close fight without losing your effectiveness when you go outside.

    For dedicated building work, a full shotgun is better (I do enjoy my Pandora) but the underbarrell is a great sucker punch to augment a good breaking and entering job without sacrificing a the ability to fight yourself into or out of the situation as the immediate terrain changes. So short version: if you know you're going in to only close range fights like biolabs and some small facilities, grab a real shotgun but if you're not sure what you're going to come up against but are likely to sweep through some tight spots on the way, carbine + undershotty is a great way to keep your options open and deadly.