under barrel EM9 where did u go .... :(

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by SethSamson, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. SethSamson

    WHY only one weapon for Light Assault can have under-barrel launcher .... :( in beta i was so fun of EM9 with it ... (or something like that now it is 3d graphic model for AX-11R something )

    but now form what i can see only gauss compact s can have it .... that is shame ... :(
  2. Twitchblade

    Probably all the other carbines have very specific traits that allow them to function well in specific roles, while the Gauss Compact S is a very distinctly average to below average weapon in every area, but is made up by the underbarrel launcher?

    Just a guess, though, I'm not a doctor.
  3. Iridar51

    ^ I agree.
    Though I wouldn't mind if they would rebalance carbine stats and made underbarrel attachments available to all carbines instead of adding dual wield.
  4. SethSamson

    i just want the 3d graphic model ... to be as it was EM9 ... the square ish design of it worked beautiful with under barrel shotgun, granade launcher etc u name it .... Gauss Compact S ..... is just awful in appearance with under barrel
    just <bleee> :confused:o_O