Unbelievable Player Stats....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BblastedD, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. BblastedD

  2. DJPenguin

    He's clearly using the melee booster implant.
  3. Irathi

    Link doesn't work for me, first i get "The information you have requested seems to be taking a while to retreive. You can wait, or press OK to return to the previous page"

    Then "Looks like there has been an error. Please click OK to return to the previous page."

    Already dealt with?
  4. BblastedD

    weird I am getting the same error now. the server was..... Ceres. Is that a test server?
  5. huller

    Most probably he is a stat padder who knifed the same person over and over again, the dude he knifed was rezzed by an acomplice and the knifed character was later deleted I take it?
  6. BblastedD

    ya deleted within minutes of me linking him on this post.
  7. Vixxing

    "the knife" is a cool swedish band btw :D (check it out!)