Unable to receive whispers from my friend

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by DrBashir, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. DrBashir

    To be clear - I AM ON GENERAL CHAT TAB -

    I am able to send my friend whispers and he receives them just fine. When he sends me a reply, I do not receive the whisper. On his end the message shows to go through ok. On my side I see nothing. I've restarted my ps2 client and computer and same on his end - its simply not functioning. It used to work just fine

    He's an RL buddy and the last few days this has been a problem, we didn't realize it was a problem. I thought he was just being an unresponsive chump!

    We were on the phone together and tested this. It's important for me to be able to send whispers to the one RL person I play ps2 with.

    Am I missing something? Is there a toggle to shut off whispers i haven't seen among all the options?

    I would really appreciate some help

  2. Malic

    Are you are using a tab where you can see whispers sent back to you? sure you did not uncheck "show whispers" or something in the chat tabs options?
  3. Littledevil

    No solution to this problem? I have the exact same issue, also tried deleting all the "fix the chat" files in the ps2 folder. Ppl see what I write but I dont see what they write.
  4. Jynxd

  5. Littledevil

    Me and my irl friends are one the same server, and on TS as we test it. So thats not the problem.
  6. SonicUK

    Had the same issue, somehow my friend had ignored me (was also blocking squad invites) - this happened twice so either my friend is a spaz or there's an issue with friends also being added to the ignore list. You have to hold the spot key on a friendly to see if they have been ignored.
  7. Littledevil

    But all my friends can see my whispers, I can't see theirs. And it's not just 1 dude, alteast 3 ppl tried to test whisper me. I'l test the spot key anyway.
  8. Lowkey

    I also can't whisper people sometimes. Nothing shows up.

    Tried /t /whisper /tell etc