Unable to play game for years

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Mylon, Dec 24, 2023.

  1. Mylon

    I got a new computer in 2020. After doing so, for the longest time I couldn't get Planetside 2 to launch. Never this problem with other games. Most frequently I'd get an unresponsive launcher. Sometimes it would give me a 4-503 error and point me at this article: https://help.daybreakgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360063029213 I verified the files using steam. Still no luck.

    Often it would just be blank like the attached screenshot. Switch account -> log in did not work. I tried using both steam and the standalone launcher.

    About a week ago I saw there was an update. I installed it and then miraculously the launcher appeared normal. I logged in and played for the first time in years. I tried loading it up today and I'm back to having the same problem. What is going on? I miss this game but it won't let me play.

    Edit: Wouldn't post with the screenshot. Yay for 2001 era forums. :/
  2. Mylon

  3. Voodoooooo

    Just remove your Monitor from Mainboard and reconnect it with your real Nvidia RTX 3050 ;)

    You can also try userbenchmark dot com to find any bottleneck