Unable to enter vehicles

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Inogine, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. Inogine

    Not sure what the common factor is aside from newly purchased camo, but I'll enter the vehicle fine, drive it for a while, but sometimes upon exiting to do something, I return to find that I can't enter the vehicle. So far this has happened with the Sunderer and the Lightning. The hovering tooltip to "Press E to Enter" is there, but I'm unable to actually enter it.
  2. TSR-SeanF Customer Service

    I have seen this error come up when something becomes corrupted in the game settings and for some odd reason will not allow you to enter vehicles and in some cases use terminals correctly. To potentially fix this issue run your Planetside 2 Launchpad and log in, but do not press play. Click on the Advanced Tools icon (looks like a hexagon surrounding a wrench) in the lower left and then choose the option to open game directory. In the window/folder that comes up, locate and delete the following files


    Once these files are deleted, close the Planetside 2 window/folder and go back to the Launchpad > Advanced Tools/Settings menu. Click on the Validate Game Assets menu option and then press the green Validate button to have the Launchpad check your game files, and download any missing or corrupt files.
  3. Inogine

    So basically your patch royally screwed something up and now I have to reconfigure all my settings? *Golf clap*

    Really though, your company should probably be testing some of this stuff PRIOR to launch. I'll try this and get back to you.
  4. Inogine

    Actually better yet, why the hell are some of those not even related to the in-game anyway? And why wouldn't just doing the validate files thing work in the first place?
  5. Inogine

    Did some more testing cause something smells fishy. It comes after randomly jumping in and out. Seems like it hits roughly every time I get out for 4 minutes. I can then turn around and promptly use a terminal no problem. This isn't a configuration issue, tis a bug.
  6. Inogine

    Seems to be every 3rd dismount that it happens roughly. The things I have on it are the Arid Forest(Infinite use) camo, two 20mm turrets with 1 level into optics and mags on each, the ammunition resupply cert level 1, the horn (Likely cause of bug), and spawner system. AMS is it?

    It will bug and be unable to be entered by me or anyone around as well as be unable to be repaired by anyone. You also cannot use the equipment screen on it once it's deployed. I'll copy this post up to the top, but DEFINITELY a bug and not a user config issue.

    The oddity of it is that this ALSO affects my lightning as well with roughly the same symptoms.

    EDIT: Can't seem to copy it to the top. Time limit on edits eh? I'll fiddle around with this more and see if I can't get things more concrete. Still not sure on the 3rd time charm for dismount/mount.
  7. TSR-SeanF Customer Service

    Please be sure that you report this issue using the Bug Report menu under Settings. Your input is appreciated!
  8. Inogine

    Oddity. Waiting for a time seems to allow it to fix itself if your vehicle doesn't hit the deconstruct time limit. Just managed to repair and get back into the sundy right after the previous post/edits were made. Is this part of the known bug fix that you posted or am I seeing something new and odd here?

    EDIT: And will do on the report if I manage to reproduce this again.
  9. CruelPhilisopher

    i have the same problem since the patch, my guess is its a bug associated with the update itself. these things are quite common to happen after large patches
  10. Inogine

    I'm actually retrying to do that fix again just in case, but even more odd things happened before I logged. Chain of events:

    Entered and exited sundy two objectives back about twice. Upon what I think is the third (will test repeatedly) dismount at a hot objective, I could no longer enter the sundy, nor could anyone around me. We could not interact in any way in fact, not even repair it, though I think it might be destroyable still. After a time of typing here by alt-tabbing, i tabbed back in to find the sundy magically fixed. I drove it near the next front and then dismounted only to have the bug where I couldn't enter. Immediately the sundy disappeared and I believe I saw the driving wheel icon skitter between me and the last location it was where it fixed itself. If I walked back, the sundy reappeared, if I moved towards it and tried to interact with it, it disappeared. It also was still destroyable as a vanu quickly proved by shooting it so it was indeed an entity where I last dismounted and it disappeared/reappeared.

    I'll try once more to reproduce and if successful will report. :/ Odd patch that last one was.
  11. Flaggs

    After a period of time im unable to repair or re-enter my vehicle. Had this happen in a Lightning and Vanguard. I can still use other terminals and get other vehicles. Have not had this bug at all since the patch today.

    Nice one!
  12. Deschain

    Sent several /bug reports on this subject over the last 2days, seems very random when it occurs.
  13. Flachzang

    I have the same problem since the patch. Can't use vehicles anymore after some time or after dismounting, i dont know, but it happens every time/vehicle. When this happens to my Sunderers the spawning and terminal don't work, too.
  14. Cidroyz

    i got this twice in a span of 30 mins >_> made me log out. FIX THIS ASAP
  15. Inogine

    Final post, also gonna report. Seems time's a factor rather than enter-exits, much as I assumed at first. Not sure I can reliably create with certain conditions, but it does seem to happen every time UNLESS I never leave the vehicle. Terminals, other vehicles, and all functions related to them are usable but the vehicle I control that bugs is not except for the deconstruct. It is also able to be damaged, is unrepairable afterwards although it can be targeted with the repair tool, and it can still be spawned on if it's a deployed sundy.

    Locking/unlocking in the page down menu do nothing. The above fix suggested by SeanF does nothing as I have attempted this twice. It also seems to happen regardless of vehicle. Occasionally it'll fix itself but will bug out even worse upon the next exit.

    Hope you guys get this one fixed. It's a killer of a bug.
  16. giaspin

    Same here, ever since today. Hope it gets fixed soon and I also hope you guys fix some of the real annoying bugs like the glitching/clipping bug, which looks asthough your graphics card is overheating and dying. Falling through the ground is another problem and the sound bug annoys me quite a bit too (no engine sounds in the vehicle), since it means relogging quite often.
  17. Flachzang

    I don't think so. I can leave my deployed Sunderer 15min somewhere to spawn at for our troops and can get in and use it without any problems. Among others the bug also happened to me when I just dismounted a second ago and tried to get back in.

    No, for me, that didn't work.

    That's true!
  18. giaspin

    Considering it single handedly destroys the entire concept of this game, I suppose you could say that.
  19. Inogine

    Oh wow, so the rabbit hole gets MUCH deeper. It doesn't just affect your ability to get into your vehicle, the bugs a tad larger than that as my past 20 or so minute romp just enlightened.

    I spawned a lightning and proceeded to never exit it. I believe somehow this warped me into another dimension in the game because at some point that I didn't notice it desync'd(Or something) me from the server. I could see an active map which was entirely accurate and still see us losing and gaining areas, but I could no longer see anyone. Twilight zone moment. I proceeded to test this and went deep into enemy territory. NC wasn't home, and neither were the vanu although I could see areas changing hands on the map. I also noted that as I passed, terminals were also not present in the area. The status of the area bar was locked onto an area WELL back of my position, and I mean the thing that shows the possession of the capture point and status of how far along the cap is.

    I then proceeded to head RIGHT UP to the vanu warpgate and to not hit the warning zone as I bounced into their shield bubble. As my final test to see if I was disconnected from the server entirely, I exited the vehicle next to the bubble and the game promptly seemed to update my position, warn me that I shouldn't be there, and actually act as it normally should spawning people and such nearby before I died to the warpgate protection area.

    This bug's FAR worse than I originally thought and makes vehicles ENTIRELY unusable for those affected. While it is interest to take a ride through areas I normally don't see... yeah... Please get your folks working on this ASAP.

    EDIT: For my next test, I'll see if reentering an area that it has locked me to allows me to actively see people. Also, I have reported this also, but I wonder if I need to change my bug report as this is encompassing a LOT more than I previously described.
  20. Nantucket

    +1 on this bug