Ultimate Empire Votedown

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Phaedo, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. Halo572

    I was going to say that no one seems to be worrying about the NC, which I play.

    But having seen they won 9 and TR only 7 - WTF?

    Anyway, broken PR event for a broken game. Which bit of that is a surprise?

    The roadmap looks like a way forward, but how many more months if ever it will take to become playable is anyone's guess.
  2. D-Spirith

    To be honest i dont really care who won in the event, nor what was wrong with the event. I came to play with my Outfit and to take part in a huge battle that i have never seen before in PS2 but in PS1. Yes, that enormous massacre reminded me of PS1 everyday fight (back when the battles were huge).
    And you know what? I frikin enjoyed the event and teamplay. That was amazing.