Ultimate Empire Showdown?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spookydodger, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. Spookydodger

    So I haven't heard much about this at all. Only TotalBiscuit seems to be really into it. If you didn't see the original videos, you wouldn't even think Toby were involved at all (perhaps that is for the best...).

    Anyone seen anything about what this would entail besides the who Twitter logo promo?

  2. Pockets

    People care about this stuff?
  3. Spookydodger

    If it marks the first "event" in the game, then yeah, I'm curious to see how they pull it off / what else might be in store for us.

    If it falls flat on its face like the SWTOR events, then I might be more concerned.
  4. Yil

    I'm still trying to figure out what it actually is...other than the ultimate empire showdown.

    And Tardbuscus makes me sad in my pants. :(
  5. Uben Qui

    The event is most likely going to happen on all servers at one time. The Youtube guys are just mascots SOE is using to build buzz around their event. They cannot be on every server at one time. Nor would it matter if they were... Look to your faction and the guilds that reside on your individual server. They will be the ones getting involved. ;)
  6. Pockets

    I suppose.

    I'm not going to lie though, this was the most pathetic game event I've ever seen to drum up interest in a game. I don't find any of these "team leaders" particularly interesting, important, or particularly relevant. I certainly wouldn't want to follow any of them.
  7. VSDerp

    its all for promotion atleast TB is trying to go with the flow
  8. Hatamoto

    Tobuscus and total are cool guys, it will be fun
  9. Compass

    I can tell you that the VS and NC leaders have basically destroyed population balance of Helios.
  10. Spookydodger

    I've heard Helios mentioned before, but I haven't seen a particular server it was going to happen on.

    This event did make me wonder what it would be like if the game had a Natural Selection / RTS element to the game with a "faction leader" that took over like a Marine Commander in NS (and alien commander in NS2) rather than this "I paid 200 points for orders channel" method we have now.
  11. Germanius_GER

  12. datfluttershy

    Bad marketing stunt to get more player still is a bad marketing stunt - of course i want to go into battle with a completly untrained youtube pro leading more then ants for the first time of his life..... HELL NO.

    Yes it will be fun to see who won in the end, even though given experiance, skill and the ammount of zerg TB got this save and sound.