Ultimate Empire Showdown - The Final Scoreboard

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kyutaru, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. Slainte Mhath

    WTF? Vanu win each challenge on twice as many servers each time as NC and TR and the people's choice for the UES winner is....TR. They didn't even win as many servers as NC. What was the point of everyone playing together and having a server scorecard if you're going to toss out the results and make it a popularity contest. You could do that in a forum poll. Hell TR only won 1 of 3 challenges on Connery, the server that the leaders were playing on. Way to make a great event look ridiculous SOE.
  2. Slifar

    Because you totally don't have to fight both other factions at the same time when you control the zone ;)

    Seriously, if the NC and TR had just realized that shooting Vanu was, at the moment, more important than shooting EACH OTHER (cap rooms aside, that's understandable) they may have done better. But when half your force is busy shooting people who really don't have anything other to do with the zone at the moment..... Well, yeah lol.
  3. Xarx

    I get the feeling you have no idea how percentages even work.
    There was barely anyone on Esamir at all. Sure, we were at 60% but 60% of 30 is 18 people. Meanwhile we were sitting at 45% on Indar, with hundreds of people on NC and TR. But no, to you VS all rushed and ghost capped Esamir.
  4. Niller

    It would have been fun on ceres, if it wasn't for the 75% outside the warpgate. But me and my squad pushed out, and we got the facility north for NC warpgate, But most of the squad leaved so i stood with 2 other people, in my dual haxsaws max suit. I killed anyone who came near with help of a engineer. so that was kinda fun. killed 47 died 7 times. NC MAXUNIT FTW!!!!
  5. TheShrapnelKing

    You can call us wrong all day long, but we are not, we have proof.
  6. Greenrover

    I was TR (Shidal) on Connery, and overall I felt things were even. TR almost won the first event, with us holding 4, the VS with 5, and TR capping the Mekala Tech plant from the VS at the end. The NC had nothing at all by the end. : \

    The second event imo shouldn't have even counted. We couldn't repair, couldn't drop ammo, could't res, and really couldn't shoot people with any certainty. (I heard someone say they watched Total Biscuit team kill 2 people on the Live Stream). It's no wonder that the faction starting with the event ended with it when the game is unplayable with lag.

    The third even showed TR in the lead by a large margine 53% until the last 10 minutes where the NC almost caught us. I think it was 43% TR to 41% NC.
  7. Frosty The Pyro

    I would advise counting again. Counting only US servers (so ignoring EU and Australia)
    TR-6 winds
    VS-10 wins

    I think you ignored materson
  8. Wren

    Quick to change your tune in the face of facts I see
  9. FoxKnight

    Man the Lag got crazy. I hit my Health ability and it never shut off.

    I was there right before the fight really got started. Vanu already had the facility, Scythes were swarming every where, and here its comes 5(seemed like 5 gals) gals hot dropping on the base. The NC rolled up from the North because we were in the process of taking the Bio Lab. And then the TR rolled up from the South.

    The Vanu didnt need much help because the NC and TR was killing each other for the same points. Then you added the Vanu, that place was not gonna flip.
    The grenade spam alone made it near impossible capture a point.

    But it was Fun as hell, and I hate missing that last challenge by just a few minutes.
  10. KoooZ

    Hm, EU vanu are pretty prominent. US servers are pretty lacking in VS presence looking at this.
  11. Krugan

    Actually no, all the proof I need is on that score board that says Waterson. I could care less what "proof" you may have. You guys still lost. Deal with it.
  12. Tenhi

    Yeah it was pretty bad even from a VS POV. We basically completely out-populated the other factions on Amerish... and lost our Indar Lock because of the event <_<.
  13. Pemtaphalon

    I would have joined you (I'm a Ceres NC) but the general concensus of everyone via /yell was "meh, let' just keep fighting on Indar" and so we did
  14. Wren

    Not on my server, not on Connery.
  15. Krugan

    I could care less about Connery because I do not play there. I was only on for the first event anyway.
  16. IRPerm

    I agree, again it was the TR choices. In the third event they seemed intent on keeping NC out of any control point. If NC took C TR would throw everything at it. Even if they had B and the VS was taking it back. All three events it seemed like the TR was throwing everything at NC and ignoring the VS. Even to the point of totally losing the first event as they did not hold any bases by the time it was over.
  17. Zanduh

    This is coming from a TR
    Love you too
  18. Slifar

    Honestly I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the Waterson VS actually made alts on other servers..... Waterson VS overall have such a strong sense of faction unity that it can be scary at times lol.

    Besides, I feel like you're just using an excuse to twist the results in your favor :p
  19. TheShrapnelKing

    Like I said, you can spew that all day, but everyone on Waterson KNOWS the VS won the 3rd.
  20. BR4DDERS

    On Miller the map wasn't reset before the first task and the VS already controlled most of Amerish before the first task was even announced.

    I didn't even know the tasks would be played on EU servers and the fact that the servers weren't even reset makes it look like a last minute decision so we don't feel left out.