UI Scale Minimap 1440P and more

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by donvincenzoo, May 1, 2021.

  1. donvincenzoo

    hi ,

    i like the game but one thing is annoying me so much : UI scale and minimap .

    i play in 1440P and the minimap is nearly useless . i can not read icon etc ... for example searching a vehicule spot point on the minimap is horrible , i have to stick my head to the screen to see them , this is too tiny .

    i use "H" and zoom in or out but it is the biggest thing for me that make me have hard time and big disadvantage in the game .

    found generator spot to destroy ? too hard to see on the minimap .... same for everything .

    We need scale option or a solution about this .... this is a major problem since many years and it push me away of the game more now than ever before !! too annoying !!

    please do something !! please please !!
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  2. JibbaJabba


    I don't struggle with the minimap but I cannot read nametags on players very well. Makes me a crappy medic during competitive play. I can't call my rezzes.
  3. DarkQuark

    I play on a large high res monitor myself. I found it to be a total game changer to play the game at a lower res than my monitor supports and let it scale it. Sure the graphics don't look quite as nice but it enlarges everything enough so that things like the mini-map and names are readable. It really made playing much easier.
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  4. Liewec123

    I play at 2k too (i'd do 4k but most 4k monitors are capped at 60fps, and I don't play on a supercomputer to be capped at 60fps!)
    I actually quite like the smaller minimap, like you I press H to make it 'larger'
    and then it shows population percentages at the base too which is nice,
    without the map being large enough to become intrusive.
    But yup scaling options would be good, for folks who do want larger UI.
  5. PlanetBound

    The left and right bracket keys enlarge or minimize the minimap.
  6. vonRichtschuetz

    You can try to set the resolution to 1080p and then upscale it to 133% (I think that was the value), via the ini file. Not sure if that has a downside, or if it even works as hoped, but might be worth a try.