Ugh...really? -_-

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by The Crimson Overlord, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. The Crimson Overlord

    ZOE is overpowered.
    Fractures are broken.
    Higby is a douchnozzle.
    Striker is overpowered.
    Vanu is easy faction.*
    C4 needs nerf.
    ESF rockets are bullsh*t.

    Less QQ more pew pew.

    If you actually played smart and avoided players who used these weapons you wouldn't have a problem. But no, the CoD migration came early this year and the forums are filled with "OMG this is BROKEN" this and "WTF why is this not fixed!?" that. This game is barely 2 years old people! Give SOE a dang-dag-nabbit break already. If you were to spend less time spamming SOE's inbox maybe they could get some more work done! God, its like taking on a horde of Lemmings with machine guns...

    Sorry, just had to get that off my chest...go ahead and zerg my inbox, IDC.

    *In some cases I agree.
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  2. vincent-

    You do know they have data sheets and can see were action takes place in hot spots what weapons are used the most and what likely kills a dude. Besides that most of the players here are stupid and want band aid solutions instead of thinking of the bigger picture.
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  3. The Crimson Overlord

    THIS. +1.

    If more players were like you none of us would be having these issues.
  4. DashRendar

    I'm just lolling that none of those "typical complaints of the month" have anything to do with NC :(
  5. IamDH

    Nerfs usually nerf the fun
    Picture using a gun today and it being nerfed tomorrow wouldnt you get angry or maybe leave?
  6. AirHarper

    Well Said Crimson.

    Everyone says a weapon is OP when the real issues are not being addressed.

    It feels like SOE is putting band aids on a damn that is about to break.
  7. DashRendar

    You are probably right. Been with NC since the start, unlocked almost all of the guns, used whichever one I liked the best at any given time, not necessarily the easiest to use or most powerful either. Like clockwork, one by one everything I liked ended up getting nerfed or changed and today I don't really find myself having fun anymore. I'll login for the occasional biolab fight/dogfight/Max crash but other than that I don't just sit and play for hours anymore.
  8. IamDH

    You will eventually lose the need for the game if this continues to happen
    It surprises me how many people want to nerf other weapons for bizarre reasons.
    If a weapon is to be weakened then use imagination instead of making the weapon/ability completely useless so that skilled players are rewarded.
  9. vincent-

    I don't wish it, after 3 mmo games swg being my first and going through drama on the highest level. You gain this wisdom but god you will be burnt out and maybe go crazy. "I am not ******* joking."
  10. Ganelon

    Avoid players who use ZOE? I play on a server where the VS has a consistent 45% world pop because they're plagued by 4th faction scumbags, there's no way to avoid ZOE for me and the others on my server.
  11. AzureKnight

    I have noticed with ZOEs the amount of them have been dropping lately. At least on Connery. If I were to plot a graph users would rise sharply, then drop slowly off to maybe 10% higher than the original amount of ZOE users.

    What I'd rather have people do is quit complaining for nerfs or buffs and instead offer solutions that would get the most happiness from all sides. We know the lattice is pretty bad, but being one of the 200+ people saying that and making threads about how it sucks is not helping. What needs to be happening is a middle ground but people generally don't care about the other side of an argument leaving it up to the powers that be to choose one side or the other screwing over half of the people.

    Personally, I hated the ZOE at first with its update and still do, but when I got use to it, I was playing differently against them. This new update that's slated to come out is going to just make them exp farms now... I think the fuel system should have been the only thing added, not a 30% damage penalty as well..
  12. S0LAR15

    TR is easy mode now..........

    As much as i agree with the premise (that the nerf bat is swung WAY to often) I have to say this:

    You guys talk about putting "band-aids" on things, but what is a bigger bandaid that avoiding the weapon?!?! I mean seriously!! if you have to avoid it, then its a troubling spot. It may be balanced, but avoidance is about the best thing you can do to avoid fixing the core issue. If the Zoe is OP ( i use that example because i dont think it is), you would never know it, if your avoiding the weapon, and it would never get fixed.

    Mean while theres a segment of people on these forums who WANTS to encounter these weapons, make a rational analysis of them, and produce constructive, and thoughtful suggestions to help make the over all gameplay more enjoyable for the community. People like the OP, and those who support him immediately throw these people into the "whiners" group, dismiss all valid claims, and continue to let real issues persist by simply avoiding them.

    Talk about the height of a pot calling a kettle black.
  14. Luighseach

    You know this game isn't even a year old yet. I mean whether people like it or not, it took Starcraft 2 around 2 years before it was balanced and they didn't even change much when they did balance. A game like Planetside 2 is even harder to balance unless you give everyone the exact same thing.

    I think people can cry as much as they won't but the truth is that it takes time to adjust. The first day something comes out is not enough time to see if it is over or under powered. Everything in this game has a use and a slight plus side if used in proper situations.

    All though I wish the Flashlight would get some Love.
  15. The Shermanator

    Avoid MAXes, lock on launchers, C4, and ESF rockets?

    Wow I had no idea that it was that easy.
  16. K3STR3L

    What? Oh right you want me to just sit in the spawn while they are all outside camping it then? I guess you haven't been pinned in a base like crossroads with its horrible shields while ZOE max units just sit outside the spawn waiting for you to come out while other players lay C4 just outside them which you can't shoot because of these god awful shields
    Oh right I get you now, you just want me to abandon that base and go elsewhere and not try to defend it? am I right?

    I am not saying C4 needs a nerf but some things clearly do. And what are these forums for if not to post your concerns about the game?
  17. The Crimson Overlord

  18. Rhiaci

    Well, if it comforts you, there were a few "Vortek is to strong" posts around.
  19. Eyeklops

    Even though I wasn't supposed to, I LOL'd.
  20. firewolf

    You know this game has been out for 7 months right... last I checked a year was 12 and 2 was 24....
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