[Suggestion] UES revealed need for 4'th character slot

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fenrys, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. Fenrys

    Please allow players to create 4 characters, possibly by selling character slots in the SC store.

    Myself, and I suspect many others, were faced with a dilemma last Friday.

    I had one character of each faction already built and somewhat leveled, but I wanted to create a new character on Connery to play with my outfit who had all moved there that day.

    I deleted my TR alt because TR is easymode, but I wish I didn't have to delete any of them. Four character slots would let us keep one of each empire, and have one mobile slot for special events held by SOE or cross server competitions organized by outfits.
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