[Suggestion] ubercharge

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by keniwaful, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. keniwaful

    Medics in this game is so boring!!!! u can't ubercharge an so there is no reward for healing lots. we need an ubercharge in this game to prmote healing. also, we need overheal, so healing peple for extending perods of time would matter more!!!!
  2. Predator01cz

    Also we need KritzKrieg and more hats..

    Definitely more hats.

    Way way more hats

    Back to the point, overheal might actually be an interesting idea
  3. Ceskaz

    I think medic already bring too much to battle.

    I will say no (or you will have to use another medic tool that can not revive, just heal and overheal (ubercharge is a crappy mechanism imo)
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  4. DevDevBooday

    And HAs should also be able to rocket jump and engineer turrets should be able to shoot for themselves and Pyros should be able to.... wait what game are we talking about again?

    TL;DR: No.
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  5. ForumSidePro720

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  6. vsae

    Straight outta TF2.

  7. FateJH

    Medics get a lot of experience for reviving and relatively little for healing. That should be reversed in my opinion.
  8. Chivalry

    How is blindly following behind somebody while holding downing the the left mouse button more fun than actively engaging in the battle?

    In TF2 that class is called the Medic.

    In Planetside 2, we have the COMBAT Medic. Shoot things with your ASSAULT rifle.

    If you're just playing as a healbot well, I'm not going to say that you're doing it wrong, but you're not utilizing the class to its fullest.
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  9. reydelchicken

    I think that something along the lines of giving players max rank nanoweave resistance while you have your healbeam on them to be good, many times you have to res someone 2-3 times because he gets shot down instantly after getting revived.

    Alternatively make them have 50% damage resistance for 2 seconds, or until they shoot; after being revived.
  10. Ceskaz

    You should not revive this guy then, or he should not accept the rez...

    It is already too easy to revive someone, makes them invicible after rez will break the gameplay further. If somebody don't want to be downed right after being revive, he should not accept it because the medic is not doing things right.
  11. IamnotAmazing

    someone's been playing too much tf2, lol
  12. ForumSidePro720

    Or he is just trolling.
  13. Niller

    I love TF2, but no. It would not fit planetside 2 at all. Maybe if you came up with something that would fit into planetside based of the uber mechanic but then you need to make something longer than a couple of sentences to explain how it could work.
  14. IamnotAmazing

    well if his forum name is the same as in game, he's probably just switched over from tf2