[Suggestion] Two things my revisit to planetside has made me think "Oooh! This would translate perfectly to ps2."

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WalrusJones, May 30, 2013.

  1. WalrusJones

    So, I have taken a break from PS2, of roughly two weeks (I am at the end of the first,) to revisit PS1, and simply observe its game design, with the goal of seeing "What can be salvaged that could add to PS2, what parts of PS2 do I find myself missing when I play PS1?"

    Here is my first report on nostalgia that could safely be brought to the future, with minimal risk:

    The missing component of zee Jammer grenade.
    What was the jammer grenade?
    It was the only tactical grenade of PS1, It stopped vehicle weapons from firing, disabled infantry implants, and disabled radars.

    The Radar disable (Minimap/hud,) and implant stoppage (active/passive abilities) were both incorporated into PS2's EMP grenade.

    However, The main service of the jammer grenade was that it was a reasonably cheap grenade that had one purpose: Creating a safe path for infantry from vehicles, in a way that isn't instantly blowing up vehicles.
    - Grenades have a pretty short range, if a vehicle is within grenade range, they are probably misbehaving, like camping a doorway.
    - These were among the only way to disable a BFR in the early days of their endless rampage, people who carried nothing but jammer grenades, and decimators were called Biffer-hunters/Biffer-wackers for a reason.

    So, how do we make it work for PS2?
    We combine it with the T-Rek's bolt ability (Slowing/screwing with vehicles controlls,) into a devious little grenade package.

    Thermal grenades:
    75 Certs.
    80 resources.
    -Creates a large hot zone that deals light damage to infantry and vehicles, while tampering with the vehicles systems.
    -3 second fuse, 2 seconds of heat up time (To provide warning to enemy vehicles.)
    -After reaching peak performance, lasts for 10 seconds, and has a moderately high radius.
    -Slows vehicles by 40%.
    -Slows vehicle acceleration by an additional 20%.
    -Disables vehicle weaponry (Vehicles on the outer radius simply reload slower, and fire less accurately.)
    -Damages enemies by a percentage of their health.
    -Inflicts 1% vehicle damage per second, .5% vehicle damage on outer radius.
    -Grenade lands, and goes limp. It doesn't stick, allowing vehicles to drive out from under it, but it doesn't bounce either.
    -Delivers 3% infantry damage per second (Disadvantages, and gives hitreg, but not much else,) but does no infantry damage in the outer radius.
    -Generates large amount of light, not blinding, but lights up an area.

    Its goal is the same as the jammer, to allow infantry to create safe zones for one another, and support vital allied vehicles by disabling enemy weaponry.

    Rocklet launcher:
    Very little about this weapon needs to change, for reference to PS2 vets:
    6 shot, semi auto rocket launcher (Revolving.)
    Light splash (Enough to leave an infantryman wounded, but by no means dead, usually they would kill you by the time you got another weapon out.)
    6 direct hits to kill an infantry man.
    40 hits to kill a prowler (Did 100 vehicle damage per direct hit, a prowler had 4000 health.)
    Had an accurate semi auto fire more, and a spooling up (.5 seconds,) burst fire mode (All six rocklets, rarely killed an infantry, but it was an efficient method of ambushing vehicles.)
    - Weaker then the current striker, but with dumbfire.
    - Is where the name "Rocket pods" came from.

    Secondary ammo type tranformation! FLACKLET:
    Low velocity (Could be dodged by an aircraft who happened to see you shooting.
    Proximity burst on aircraft.
    Took two magazines to kill a mossie, three a reaver (The reaver is a more accurate analogue to PS2 ESF.)

    So, what do we do for PS2?
    Give it limited ammo (24 rounds,) combine both ammo types into one, and make its fire selector the same as its primary/secondary fire mode.

    In comparison to other weapons in PS2, it would be the weak anti-infantry explosive (But an excellent suppressing fire tool,) a weak anti vehicle explosive, and a weak AA deterrent (It took an expert flack-let user to beat any pilot in PS1, if they decided to hoverspam.)

    However, what it would have is the ability to dumbfire any job in the game, if needed, and it would look INTIMIDATING.


    Now, Unlike the rocket pods of PS2, this wouldn't kill you in one magazine with no hope of escape, this is the "Ooh! That guys reloading, lets shoot him in the face," gun.