Two Players LF Outfit.

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by theShiny, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. theShiny

    Closed, NC was a bad choice. As much as I wanted the look, playstyle was completely not my type. I guess accuracy by volume was my thing, and the NC MAX weapons were frustrating. I rolled all 3 and tried them out, didn't want purple spandex so I tried the TR, and alas I'm rolling TR haha..

    After the fuss here I go. Sorry but I don't think the factions are any different other than the fact that my shooting style is less accurate and more run and gun.. So MCG it is.
  2. Brasidas

    Excellent choice on going with the NC. The Bastards could be the perfect fit for the two of you; we are highly organised and regimented outfit (in terms of our approach to the game during our main sessions), and have some members with prior and current military background.
    We hold a few sessions a week with the main ones being Friday and Saturday from 6:30pm PST, but we fully understand that family and "RL" comes first so there's no pressure if you have family commitments. We don't care about stats but focus instead on teamwork and our effectiveness as a unit, and aim to put ourselves where we are needed most to help the overall cause of the NC.
    Check out our website to apply, oryou can head over to our recruitment poster for more information.

    The Bastards is also a multi-gaming community (although founded on Planetside 2, which is our main focus) and we have 'chapters' in other games, including EVE Online, so if you still play you can join us there as well if you like.
  3. _Gilgamesh_


  5. kaptinkrunch88

    Damn it! Get away from our troops! Shouldn't you be farming noobs from the safety of 500 meters with rocket pods?

    500 meters is to impersonal, I prefer about 100.
    • Up x 1
  7. theShiny


  9. ZargenFlaggen

    Hello Shiny! We are one of the largest, active outfits on the server and are always looking for new recruits! To find out more about our gaming community please visit During the day we run an open recruitment platoon (or two depending on how busy it is) so feel free to join and see how our officers work. Our outfit only squads operate at much more personal, organized level, and we like to have active members who communicate with our officers and participate in our Ops.

    ADK gamers is a massive multi-game community with large forces in PS2, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Dayz, and others. I noticed you have a history with EVE! We have a corporation in EVE that is just getting up on its feet and actively recruiting. I hope you find the outfit you're looking for, and no matter which you choose, Freedom is the way! Long live the NC

    P.S. - We currently have a Raffle happening on our website for a GTX 780!! $15 per ticket. If we have more than 85 entries, there will be two cards!
  10. TwistaX